Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2011-03-24 02:34
Hello hautbois francais, just so you know, I am Malaysian although i study here in Singapore. Indeed, the music scene here can only be described as amazing, considering the size of this island and the amateur pool of musicians. In fact, geographically speaking, the music scene here is 10-15 years ahead of Malaysia, and so many many Malaysian students who want to study orchestral instruments are attracted to the conservatory in NUS every year. (since it really is just south of the border, but i do come from a tad further, in the East Borneo island state of Sabah) Despite having the amazing Malaysian Philharmonic, various policies prevent schools from hiring them to teach full time, and the lack of an amateur pool means a lack of a professional scene and market. The social and political state in Malaysia is preventing such an advancement anyways. To put it simply, no school offers a comprehensive education to music students unless you are a pianist, so to speak....and so....Singapore is indeed, amazing.