Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2010-09-02 09:45
I have played this on picc, clarinet and oboe - guess which part was the hardest? Fast Ab major and oboe, as I have discovered playing Vaughan Williams English Folk Song Suite, generally do not agree well.
Molly was great fun, but I remember having to be diligent in writing out LOTS of fingerings. At the time I didn't have a left F, but I think most of it will need to be forked F anyway. I used a lot of RH Ab side key, and also open 'Db' in faster bits. Most of the time the fast bits are with flutes and claris anyway, so if you need to either skip a note here and there or use a trill fingering, it's not really a problem.
Yes, the clarinet might have over the break stuff, but they also have the benefit of having most (or all) pinky keys on both sides - unlike the oboe! I don't remember any of it being impossible, just harder than the other parts.
It's a great piece! Have fun!