Author: huboboe
Date: 2009-12-17 22:04
I would like to gather opinions from this august body concerning the effect of the thickness of the shaper tip on the resulting shape, given that the profile of the shape remains constant.
Specifically, I make shaper tips from 3/16 inch flat plate, cutting the shape by wire EDM, a computer controlled process that is extremely accurate.
I have copied some early shaper tips that were made on 1/8 inch stock, and have made the same shape on both 1/8 stock, at the request of the buyer, and 3/16 stock for my own purposes.
I have had one colleague tell me that the difference 'has a profound effect on the final result' but I am unable to detect a difference.
In that the shape is tapered anyway, the greatest difference, if there is one, would be in the throat end of the shape, but I'd like to know what you folks think.
Robert Hubbard