Author: vboboe
Date: 2009-12-14 21:37
IMHO nix the dampit in AB wintry weather, instead practice the instrument daily, regular daily playing keeps oboe humidified, and of course swob it after playing, put it back in case again right away, no leaving it out as a convenience, that will dry it out for sure
In AB wintry weather, much more important to keep instrument cosy between 10-25C at all times, treat it like a tender sub-tropical houseplant, any temp below 10C can be lethal (re cracking) so generously insulating the oboe case more important than a dampit, maybe use dampit just for summer months
caveat re orange peels in case -- might work OK in hot arid climate, peel will dessicate rapidly (in which case humidifying assets evaporate) -- but in humid climates like BC, peels do turn moldy first, yuck