Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2005-05-01 21:55
Hi Vanessa --
I've been where you are -- not all that long ago, actually.
First of all, are you sure your instrument is in good adjustment?
Second, what kind of reeds are you using? G/A is where the going gets a little hard, at first, and it may be that in addition to inexperience, you are struggling with too soft of a reed for the task.
If it's any consolation to you, a year ago at this time I was having the same trouble. I just *couldn't* get anything A or above. Well, I could make a sound, but it was putrid. Today, I can go all the way up the next octave, and it sounds pretty, and comes easily.
I don't really remember exactly when it started getting better, but it gradually did. Just keep after it, get some good reeds, and your technique will develop enough to support those higher tones.
You may be playing with too tight an embouchure. Are you actually pushing or clamping down on the reed with lips or teeth? Try to keep your embouchure as open as you can; "O" shaped lips, turned in, just on the tip of the reed, and teeth held apart. Keep the "O" in place as you turn the lips inward. It's not exactly an intuitive embouchure, but in a little while, those muscles will develop, it will become a reflex, and you won't get tired so quickly.
As far as the breathlessness, that may also be part of getting used to the instrument. Are *all* of the notes hard to blow, or just the high ones? At this point, the high ones will probably seem impossible. I know they seemed that way to me. But if everything seems hard, then it might be a matter of the instrument's adjustment.
Are you supporting the tone from your midsection, or only from your throat? That could make a difference, too.
Good luck! Keep us posted.