Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2005-03-26 02:54
I've never tried Reliable Reeds, and I have had a bad experience with the WW&BW reeds.
The North Texas Oboe Reeds are very good (and very expensive). And they took just short of forever getting it to me. Oboeworks is good. So is Stuart Dunkel, and Oxford Reeds. Andrea Hall makes nice reeds (Ebay). And Kerry who sells on Ebay under the name of Reedmaker makes very playable reeds, too. Singing Dog (online) is also good. I also like the pro silver thread from Nielsen (online). Then there's the Good Tone Guild (online), which makes the hardest reeds on the planet. But all these are expensive.
I don't know why, Dutchy, you would doubt that the Charles Double Reed seller on Ebay is anybody but Brian Charles. Yes, it is the same company. Write him and ask! Companies often sell things in different venues for different prices. I haven't looked at the auction today, but yesterday it was 3/$7.50 -- student reeds. That might change, of course. But it's still going to be cheap.
And I would just like to say, once again, that Kathy DiCola, selling as oboereed1109 on Ebay, makes absolutely lovely reeds, and they typically go for 2/$20.
There are many good reedmakers, online and on Ebay, but most are expensive. The point of my earlier post was to mention a couple of good, less-expensive reedmakers (Brian Charles and oboereed 1109). You DO NOT have to settle for machine made reeds!
P.S. I just looked at the Brian Charles reeds on Ebay. They are actually going for $7.05 EACH right now. Still a bargain.
Post Edited (2005-03-26 03:10)