Author: mschmidt
Date: 2009-05-25 17:55
I tried the aquarium tubing thing and I was very frustrated with it. Too much fiddling to the the thing on and off. I just wrapped the end of the bocal with teflon tape, and I haven't had any problems with the reed coming off since. You'd normally think of teflon as being "slick" rather than "sticky," but I think the real problem with the bocal/staple interface is a lack of mating surface area. Teflon is a flowable polymer well-beloved of plumbers because it flows to fill the gaps in metal (or hard plastic) parts that don't mate perfectly. After you put the staple on the bocal, the teflon will flow so that the entire staple/bocal interface is mating, not just a few points.
Still an Amateur, but not really middle-aged anymore