Author: vboboe
Date: 2008-08-06 03:33
yes, vote for standard pro horn, excellent condition, definitely used, not brand new
... at just two 'passable' years playing oboe, and just recently been successful in auditioning for advanced ensemble, she's going to be very busy honing her playing skills, plus fussing with reeds as well -- advise Mom to be ready to put more money in that direction -- so she really won't have time to dally about gradually & gently blowing in a brand new instrument, she needs an instrument ready to play
nobody can foresee where she'll be with oboe in 5 years, so if she sticks with oboe for now, and continues on into a career with it later, she can buy her own brand new instrument when she's flush and more experienced, blow it in carefully, and it'll really mean a great deal to her by then