Author: Ashley91489
Date: 2008-06-06 03:47
I'm currently working w/ a student on oboe. She has played the clarinet already for a couple of years and I started her on oboe a few weeks ago.
She was able to get out a good range of notes the first time, the tone "duck-like" as with most beginners. I just picked up the oboe on my own, no teacher, many years ago so I can't reflect back on how I was taught. What is the best way to describe how to get a characteristic oboe tone instead of sounding harsh and honky? Good embouchure (which I've described) and air support but I guess I'm just not sure how to apply it to fixing problems in another player.
Also, she does fairly well getting notes out but it is somewhat inconsistent. What is a good way to overcome that? Tonguing seems to be a bit difficult as well. Any tips?
In an hour or half hour lesson, what should I begin with and what all should be worked on? In a very short time, I am pleased that she is capable of playing a fair range of notes but for the next lesson, I want to be prepared for teaching more aspects so that actual music can be played.
Advice in general? Anything else that I should address?