The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ben Shaffer
Date: 2024-02-20 19:45
So Ive got an opportunity to buy a used Van Doren V360 Mouthpiece. Looking on the VanDoren Website it appears this MP has been long discontinued. Ive got a number of VanDoren MP's with various levels of Loudness and tone from an M13 to a 5RV to a B45. So There are several VanDoren MP's with tip openings between the 5VR and the B45. Does anyone know what the Tip Opening of the V360 is?
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Author: petrosv
Date: 2024-02-21 18:37
here is something mentioned on the Cafe Saxophone site
Jun 3, 2017
Richard Perks said:
I am using a Vandoren 360, it plays well though not sure if made anymore.
I think that the current Vandoren 5RV is equivalent to the older V360. I have a V360 as well, but it is at least 40 years old, and was swabbed numerous times. So I don't count on it still having the original specs
You can get the tip opening measured and compare other aspects vusually see if this looks to be true ...
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Author: kdk
Date: 2024-02-25 19:26
Ben Shaffer wrote:
> So Ive got an opportunity to buy a used Van Doren V360
> Mouthpiece. Looking on the VanDoren Website it appears this MP
> has been long discontinued. Ive got a number of VanDoren MP's
> with various levels of Loudness and tone from an M13 to a 5RV
> to a B45. So There are several VanDoren MP's with tip openings
> between the 5VR and the B45. Does anyone know what the Tip
> Opening of the V360 is?
I used to recommend V360 (among others) to students 50 years ago, so I think it must have been very similar to a 5RV/2RV - close tip opening (less than 1.06 mm) and probably a "medium" curve (16-17 mm - 32-34 on an Eric Brand scale). Of course, with a mouthpiece that old you may not be getting the original facing. It wasn't an especially prized mouthpiece even when it was being made - functional and reliable, not special.
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Author: ruben
Date: 2024-02-26 18:30
I think that's what the great Louis Cahuzac used.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2024-02-27 00:12
Which? V360 or 5RV?
I mostly had students buy 5RV back then, but the V360 was a close substitute if a store (we mostly bought our stuff from stores in those days) was out of stock on 5RVs. The V360 might have been *slightly* more open.
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Author: Tom H
Date: 2024-02-27 02:33
I don't know the tip opening. I used a V360 for about 25 years and looked to buy a spare around 2000 when I found it discontinued. I've used the 5RV since then and found it almost identical to the 360 (Vandoren 2.5 reeds). Actually I think I prefer the 5RV by a tiny bit and keep the old 360 as my spare.
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