The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Kontra
Date: 2009-11-06 00:13
I just bought one, and would like to know more about this model. Any info?
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2009-11-06 13:39
The only Leblanc straight Eb contra I've tried was shaped like a bass clarinet, with a higher arch at the top and a longer turned-up section at the bottom. It went down to Eb and (unlike the straight BBb model) was playable while seated.
I didn't see the case, but it was assembled wrong, so it probably had to be taken apart into several pieces to put away. This is not good, since it's not easy to get all the interconnections aligned to put together and there's risk of bending the many long rods. Handle it with kid gloves.
It played just like the paperclip model.
Most used contras come from schools, where they have been mistreated for many years. It almost certainly would benefit from a thorough checkup at a saxophone shop, where they can seat the pads, true up the rims and patch any pinholes and leaking solder-joints.
Most mouthpieces used in schools are battered beyond recognition. Walter Grabner makes wonderful contra mouthpieces, as does Clark Fobes.
Ken Shaw
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Author: nahoj
Date: 2009-11-06 16:08
Did you buy it new? If so, why did you buy the straight and not the paperclip? Price difference? Because otherwise I see only advantages for the paperclip. Playing quality is the same, goes to low C, compact, more robust (one-piece body),... Anybody know disadvantages of the paperclip vs the straight?
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Author: Gandalfe
Date: 2009-11-06 20:57
Did you buy it from QuinnTheEskimo? I was trying that one, a new one and a paperclip. I ended up keeping the Leblanc Paris (paperclip) CAC.
My findings:
1. I chose the vintage paperclip over the straights mostly because of the form factor and resulting smaller case. The Leblanc EEb contra alto clarinet just fits so nicely and I sit the peg on my chair between my legs.
2. Mine goes down to low C but the fingering is arcane. Still, lower is always good in my book.
3. The vintage straight Leblanc CAC I tried had a lot of stuffy notes which I'm sure my fav tech, Paul Woltz could have fixed rather handily. As it was, he did tweak the keyworks for the low C (two right thumb keys) keyworks on the paperclip.
4. The paperclip was in much better condition visually than the other vintage one. The new one was too expensive compared to the paperclip. And I preferred the sound on the paperclip as there were less stuffy notes. YMMV.
5. The Walter Grabner CAC mouthpiece allows me to voice the instrument immediately whereas the Leblanc one would have taken me some time to make work. Make sure you specify Leblanc as the Selmer CAC mouthpiece has a smaller diameter.
Jim and Suzy
Pacifica Big Band
Seattle, Washington
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2009-11-07 00:25
The Vito contra-alto is a plastic version of the straight-bodied metal Leblanc contra-alto - not sure if the keywork on the Vito is simplified in comparison to the Leblanc, though I'd assume it's very similar. The bells on the Vitos are strangley shaped - much wider at the throat than the Leblanc.
But with an all metal contra, you won't have the worry of long rods binding between pillars when it's cold, or the long rods being purposely made very loose between pillars to compensate for cold conditions.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Kontra
Date: 2009-11-07 03:10
I bought the Straight model because Im 14, I cant afford a Paperclip. I have some solos in our upcoming Christmas concert that dont sound to well on my schools Bundy.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2009-11-07 13:55
Look after it well and you'll be able to part exchange it for a paperclip model later on.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2009-11-07 14:43
If you want to upgrade to a new or better instrument, your old instrument can be used as part payment (part exchange or p/ex) towards the new one and the value of that instrument will be deducted from the new/better one.
The buyer (usually a company) will be the one that determines the value of your old instrument and how much they will deduct from the price of the new one.
Normally they won't give you as much as if you were to sell it on privately, but for a quick sale and if they offer a good part exchange price on your old one (ie. more than you paid for it), then that's a good reason to take advantage of what they offer.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Kontra
Date: 2009-11-07 15:11
Thats a good idea, right now Im only a freshmen in high school so Ill worry about doing that later.
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Author: Gandalfe
Date: 2009-11-07 17:07
Both used, the Leblanc Paris (paperclip) CAC cost me less than the Leblanc Paris (straight) CAC. I did put another $125 into it to tweak the low C keyworks, remove to big dents in the bell, replace a couple of pads, and complete a regulation check.
Jim and Suzy
Pacifica Big Band
Seattle, Washington
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2009-11-07 20:57
BTW, I may have said new/better back then, but that doesn't in any way imply your Leblanc alto isn't a good one - it's probably the best instrument you could want (I wouldn't mind one!) and the only instrument to 'better' it is the paperclip version to low C.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Kontra
Date: 2009-11-08 04:01
I like both models. I had a chance to get a paperclip, but someone outbid me.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2009-11-08 23:54
nahoj -
All the Leblanc contras I've seen have been made in pieces a couple of feet long, which can in theory be disassembled. A straight BBb I played HAD to be partially disassembled to put in its case, which otherwise would have had to be about seven feet long. Fitting all the connections together was a nightmare. I'm not sure what the case situation is with the Eb contra-alto, but one big advantage of the paperclip design is that the only part that gets removed is the bell, and the case is a manageable size.
Ken Shaw
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Author: nahoj
Date: 2009-11-09 16:48
You're right, except for the contra-alto. The straight model also comes apart half-way to fit in the case, but the paperclip Eb not only can fit in the case as one piece (except the bell and neck), it IS one piece. The main body canNOT be disassembled as the other Leblanc contra's including the Bb paperclip, unless you use a metal saw.
I read somewhere that the paperclip gets out of adjustment faster than the straight model. Is that true? It would surprise me, as for example the automatic 2nd register commanding rod from the RH ring finger is shorter on the paperclip, and there is no hassle with (dis)assembly. Maybe the horizontal mechanics between the two 'legs' of the paperclip are more fragile? (Not in my experience.)
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Author: Gandalfe
Date: 2009-11-10 02:09
The case for the paperclips are horrible, at least in my experience. I have taken to adding extra foam to protect the parts that are not safe in the case alone. The EEb CAC was the worst as the neck screw rests less than a 1/8th of an inch from the bell. This guarantees that the bell gets dents in it.
And the instruments move around too much in the case, maybe because of age? No matter, if you get a paperclip, plan on using extra foam padding and know that most likely you will have some dents to remove.
As far as getting out of regulation easier, I haven't found them (I have CAC and CBC paperclips) to be any worse than any other instrument but then I've only had the CBC for three years and the CAC for less than one.
Jim and Suzy
Pacifica Big Band
Seattle, Washington
Post Edited (2009-11-10 02:10)
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