The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Elkwoman46
Date: 2007-02-10 22:33
This morning from this forum I clicked on something that brought me to a website promoting the John Williams Clarinet Concerto. It sounds absolutely beautiful to me. Is this sheetmusic available anywhere? Just curious.
Thanks everyone.
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Author: J. J.
Date: 2007-02-11 04:36
You know, I get annoyed when people don't use the search function myself, but at the same time it's an easy way to turn people off by responding the way you did. I'm sure you didn't intend it to sound harsh, but it's so easy to do so.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2007-02-11 15:20
An email received from David Blumberg (his permission has been given to post it)
"...Hi Elkwoman46, I'm the producer of the John Williams Concerto and it was my
site that you saw. The music isn't published and currently isn't set to be
published. The music was written for and is owned by Michele Zukovsky and
will probably stay that way for a while longer - there is no time length on
the rights that John gave to her. I'm pushing for a Major Label to take on
the work (most of William's other Concerti are with majors such as Sony) and
put out a "high quality" (new) recording of the work. What exists currently
on itunes is not high fidelity due to the age of the tape (over 15 years)
and original damage to it also. It to me is a great piece of literature that
I hope some day will be in print. I prefer that Concerto to any other of the
Williams Concerti (he wrote for Violin, Flute, Tuba, Trumpet, Bassoon, and
Cello) - quite different style and reminds me of his Superman, Raiders of
the lost ark, ET style as contrasted to his more modern serial style work
The film A.I. (Artificial Intellegence) is a good example of that style)..."
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Author: Elkwoman46
Date: 2007-02-12 17:33
I am so very, very honored to receive this attention from you both and from David Blumberg. I am overwhelmed. Please thank him endlessly for me. I am overwhelmed at his attention to me. I look forward toward the day when we can practice that piece.
I am a huge John Williams fan; all of his music for all the great
Thank you so kindly.
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Author: 2E
Date: 2007-02-13 05:10
I too am a HUGEEE john williams fan.
How can I hear this recording of this Clarinet Concerto?
Is it in the iTunes America store?
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Author: Tobin
Date: 2007-02-13 10:56
There are some recordings of it on the webpage that advertises here for it I think.
Go to the board's "Music & Books" link and John Williams is halfway down.
Gnothi Seauton
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Author: Anthony_Madderson
Date: 2007-02-13 13:10
John Williams: One of the most popular and well known orchestral film score composers ever.
Clarinet Concerto: A form of classical musical style that is out of date to most members of the public in todays society.
John Williams Orchestral Concerts: Sell out events that help orchestra's stay afloat in todays harsh funding environment.
Now, please correct me if I am wrong. But, the way I see this problem is that one person, the dedicatee of the work, now owns the work and all rights associated with this piece. This is fine, and of course very generous of hte composer to give these rights away. What is unfortunate is that this piece is being held hostage to any future performances by one clarinettist. the world is a big place, John Williams has a fan base as clarinettist we can only dream of, and I dare say that by putting the work in the public domain there would be many more opportunities for audiences in popular concerts to hear our fine instrument. I can't understand the logic of writing a fine work to then have it lie unpeformed when people want to play it. Can anybody explain this to me?? It isn't as though crowds are queing up round blocks to hear us play the Nielsen, Copland, Lindberg..........
Anthony Madderson
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2007-02-13 15:11
Anthony_Madderson wrote:
> and I dare say that by
> putting the work in the public domain there would be many more
> opportunities for audiences in popular concerts to hear our
> fine instrument.
I don't think you really mean public domain. (John Williams needs that money, right? He doesn't have enough already.)
At least it would be nice if it were performable ...
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Author: clarinetist04
Date: 2007-02-13 15:24
It's not that simple, Anthony.
I have conversed with Michele on this topic and she agrees with me that the piece is a wonderful piece. But it isn't HER decision that the piece not be published. It was John Williams' decision. What she told me was that he didn't think that the piece was "good enough" to be published. Not quite as blunt as that but you get my picture. So don't blame Michele for all of this. David Blumberg is a better person to talk about this.
On a different note, I've played through the Williams' concerto and I can assure you that it is extremely difficult. There are very few pieces that I cannot get through with a couple of weeks practice. In this piece, there are several passages that I simply cannot get through and make decent music at the same time. Oh well. I guess that's why I'm not principal of the LA Phil!
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2007-02-13 21:07
Performance monopolies are not unusual. Anton Stadler had a monopoly on the Mozart Concerto. He carried the parts around in a briefcase (which unfortunately disappeared).
I'm sure that Hermstedt had the exclusive right to play the Spohr Concertos, and the Baermanns had the same for the Mendelssohn Konzertstucke.
At an ICU festival around 1980, Kjell-Inge Stevensson was tossing off the impossible licks from the Francaix Concerto, and I asked him whether he intended to record it. He said that he couldn't, because Jacques Lancelot had a monopoly (which has since expired).
Paganini wouldn't let anyone else even see his concertos. Like Stadler, he arrived with the parts in a suitcase, put them out for rehearsal and retrieved them at the end.
If John Williams feels that Michele Zukovsky is a unique interpreter of his concerto (and her performance that David Blumberg distributes is amazing), he has every right to give her a monopoly. It hardly benefits him economically, since he would get more royalties from music sales and performances if he released it.
Ken Shaw
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Author: 2E
Date: 2007-02-14 01:27
If only those Mozart Concerto originals were recovered from Anton Stadler somehow :0
omg how much money would THAT fetch on eBay lol amazing.
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2012-07-20 00:23
I just saw this thread for the first time.
John really does think that this piece was "a stinker". Personally, I'm not a fan of his Flute Concerto, but a great one of this work. The Flute Concerto is quite atonal.
I remastered the work, and Williams has a copy of it. Michele said that he likes it more now than he did previously. Williams writes his Concerti in his "spare time".
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2024-07-21 03:25
Actually it's John Williams that owns the work permissions and he hasn't given them to anyone except as of recently John Bruce Yeh. Other than that (and I have had some big names c(a top English Soloist for example) contact Williams who he turned down) nobody else can access it.
Unfortunately JW doesn't like the piece much at all.
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