Author: kdrew922
Date: 2007-11-29 14:29
When we attempt to describe sound, we almost always resort to metaphor, so I wouldn't get hung up on the inappropriateness of this or that term used literally. Having said that, I try to avoid "bright" and "dark" when describing tone, simply because the terms tend to be applied qualitatively, not descriptively. For many players, "dark" is synonymous with "good" and "bright" with "bad." Whatever we like we call "dark," whatever we dislike we call "bright," such that players of differing taste may describe entirely opposite sounds as "dark." Granted, such inconsistency can be seen in the application of just about any terminology for describing timbre, but in my experience the terms "dark" and "bright" are especially nebulous. Clear, focused, centered, reedy, raspy, edgy, broad, agile, plodding, ringing, spinning... these all seem to me to have more specifically descriptive meaning, albeit highly metaphorical.