Author: d-oboe
Date: 2004-07-28 17:50
I'd say I'd have to disagree with your Buffet comment Buffet isn't really a "mass producer" on a comparable scale to Yamaha (which ironically is supposed to make a very good professional oboe!) I play the Buffet greenline, and I have yet to find an oboe in a reasonable price range that is as stable throughout the range as mine. Loree is the respected brand, I know, but now, it is only becoming a name, rather than an indicator of quality. I have played a Loree oboe that I didn't like at all- its tone was scattered, and way too bright for the ensemble in which I was playing. Conversely, I have played the AK Royale by Loree, and loved it, but I just don't have that kind of money at the moment!
What I would say, however, is that the *student* models of the respected brands (i.e Loree's Cabart, and Marigaux's Strasser) are very good for student instruments, as compared to other makers. I don't like the Buffet student oboes at all. However any of the professional models of oboe now (Loree, Rigoutat, Buffet, Howarth, Yamaha, Covey, and more) can do the job. Some people have their preference, as I do. And of course, it depends on the situation that one plays in. I don't need the bright soloistic qualities of a Loree in my chamber ensemble- the tone is just too strident! If I was a concert soloist, I would definitely consider an upgrade to a Loree, but I don't see that happening in the near future.
In any case, the point is that you should buy the oboe that you need (ironic isn't it). Don't buy a super expensive Loree AK bore with pure gold keys, if you're going to play in a high school concert band...
sömeone |
2003-10-03 13:24 |
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2003-10-03 20:07 |
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2003-10-17 13:32 |
d-oboe |
2004-07-02 04:52 |
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Candy |
2004-05-17 10:16 |
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2004-05-17 13:30 |
Re: what oboes do you guys play on? new |
d-oboe |
2004-07-28 17:50 |
bhs1 |
2004-05-25 05:01 |
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2004-05-29 09:57 |
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TheHofen |
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2006-11-04 17:38 |
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