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 Scholarships for oboe
Author: lbarton 
Date:   2007-05-23 00:39

Students have often asked me for the names of colleges offering scholarship money for oboists. I was shocked that one very talented student was refused any scholarship help unless she declared herself a music major. She loves to play, was one of 12 all-state solo contest winners and had every intention of playing in any and all groups in college. However she already had made up her mind to be a special ed teacher. I was hoping some of our readers could recommend some colleges that would offer some scholarship help to fine players, even tho they may not be music majors. Students that I have recommended have all had orchestral experience playing in community and undergraduate college orchestas while still in high school. Not everyone is cut out to be a high school music teacher, and most of us know the odds for getting a performance symphony job are very low---hence the goal of majoring in something else, but still wanting very much to play while in college.
Any suggestions??? Lois Barton

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 Scholarships for oboe  
lbarton 2007-05-23 00:39 
 Re: Scholarships for oboe  new
Mark Charette 2007-05-23 00:53 
 Re: Scholarships for oboe  new
cjwright 2007-05-23 01:00 

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