The Oboe BBoard
Author: michkhol
Date: 2018-10-18 19:52
Attachment: passage.JPG (56k)
Newbie question here. I have a full conservatory oboe and I wonder what would be the right/best fingering for playing the passage attached here. The forked F sounds weak and I presume it is only good for passing notes. The passage is on the top staff and starts from measure 6.
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Author: Hotboy
Date: 2018-10-18 20:28
Better players will use left F for all the Fs, especially the long F in bar 6, but with the possibility of using fork F for the 16th note in bar 7 to make the line less clunky.
The separate issue is: why is your fork F weak? On most instruments, the fork F tone is darker and the intonation can be a bit sharp. If you have a full conservatory instrument, then it has the F resonance key. Have you had a good player try your oboe to see whether the instrument is adjusted properly?
I have seen full conservatory instruments on which the owner disabled the F resonance to have it checked out by a qualified oboe technician to make sure.
Bay Area, California
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2018-10-19 00:41
Most players in the US will favour the left hand F. I nearly always use the forked F. The reasons I do this is that there are passages that can only be played using the forked F so I try to get used to it by playing it as much as possible. There are times, when it's unique sound qualities can be useful. I found it especially useful in playing second oboe in composers who write low passages that need to be played quietly - such as Dvorak. I now play on aged instruments where the left hand F is positioned below the the left hand E flat, and my little fingers are quite short, so this makes playing the left hand F rather impractical. Incidentally, in case there is something wrong with the adjustment on you oboe as far as that forked F is concerned ( often the vent if your oboe has it - Not all do - My oboe of 1935 or so doesnt, but the matching cor does). I would also suggest you talk to your teacher for advice on this and other issues.
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Author: michkhol
Date: 2018-10-19 17:36
I checked my forked F closely, and it was all my fault: I wasn't playing it correctly.
Thank you for the info!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2018-10-19 19:00
You're best using RH Eb and forked F in this key (G minor here and its relative Bb Major) as it's keeping everything under the right hand fingers as well as being much easier to do than using the LH F key.
You can keep the RH Eb key held down when playing forked F if it improves the tone quality if the forked F - some oboes do benefit having the Eb key held down for the upper register forked F even with the forked F vent fitted, but that depends on the instrument and also your reeds.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2019-01-16 22:34
Where is the forked F vent? I have a Rigoutat Expression, my second one. Its forked F is much better than my previous Expression, but still needs the Eb key down to resonate like the other notes.
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