The Oboe BBoard
Author: tgenns
Date: 2018-01-21 02:55
Your best bet is to take some lessons from an experienced teacher, since they could tell immediately what the problem is. Playing sharp can have multiple causes. It could be your reeds are too short. Other possibilities are that you are taking too much reed into the mouth and / or biting too much on the reed. Also, thinking "OH or AH" rather than "EE" in your mouth and throat cavity can help bring your pitch down and improve your sound. It sounds like the Charles student reeds have the stability you need for the high notes and pitch in general. They are probably your best bet for now, and then later on you could try others once you have stabilized your pitch with the Charles reeds. As for making reeds, you may want to try imitating the Charles reeds -- but manage your expectations. It takes years of making a lot of reeds before anyone gets competent at it.
Hope that helps.
Jim22 |
2018-01-21 00:12 |
mschmidt |
2018-01-21 02:20 |
tgenns |
2018-01-21 02:55 |
Wes |
2018-01-21 23:52 |
EaubeauHorn |
2018-02-10 23:33 |
Jim22 |
2018-02-11 00:44 |
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