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 Re: Shaper Tip measurements
Author: wrowand 
Date:   2005-12-21 12:48


You might try the link above. After you find the page, click on the chart and you will see some measurements for some tips that are popular in the US. Also, Brian Moses had a web site at Univ. of Kentucky that had many shaper tips listed with recommended Tie-off lengths. I just tried his site but it looks like it's down.

Probably the most popular ones that I'm aware of are (I tried to put these in order from widest to narrowest but I don't own a Gilbert -1N or a Mack+ so I'm not sure of those two):

Brannen X -- 7.01mm
Gilbert -1 -- 7.0mm
Weber 1C -- 7.0mm
Adam Sara+2 -- 6.97mm
Jeanne Standard -- 6.97mm
Adam Samson +1 -- 6.94mm
Gilbert -1N -- ??
Adam Joshua +2 -- 6.92mm
Weber 1B -- 6.84mm
RDG Mack + -- 6.8+ (not sure)

Mostly, they are between 6.9 and 7.0 mm at the tip with some (the Mack) slightly smaller. I go back and forth between the Weber 1B, and the Samson+1.

I find that pitch placement also depends very much on the gouge. Not so much the overall thickness, but the shape of the tip opening due to the curvature of the gouger blade.

Good luck,

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Christopher 2005-12-20 19:37 
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wrowand 2005-12-21 12:48 
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Christopher 2005-12-22 09:34 
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ohsuzan 2005-12-21 16:09 
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oboereed1109 2005-12-31 00:30 
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Nissen 2006-01-02 13:52 

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