The Oboe BBoard
Author: sylvangale
Date: 2005-11-21 20:05
I have heard an oboist playing a plastic Selmer oboe who sounded quite lovely vs another playing a Loree.
But if that Selmer oboist picked up the Loree I'm sure they would sound even lovlier with less effort.
NEVER accept an out of scale instrument as being normal. You CAN find no-name Ebay instruments with good scale... it may take a while to find one.
Determine your price range and look at all brands of instruments in your price range and play test them... also play test some oboes a bit beyond your price range and see whether or not you may want to save a bit.
Many people give up on oboe so there is a large used market out there...
FrankM |
2005-11-21 14:26 |
ohsuzan |
2005-11-21 14:38 |
d-oboe |
2005-11-21 19:07 |
sylvangale |
2005-11-21 20:05 |
sylvangale |
2005-11-21 22:15 |
d-oboe |
2005-11-23 00:31 |
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