Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2012-07-20 05:16
If you search on this board for knife choices, there is a lot of information regarding cost effective knives. You do not need an Ando or a Landwell if you don't have the funds. Some of the dealers sell their own brands of knives, and if you check on this board, you might find advice about these knives.
I started a thread awhile back about tips for the oboist on a budget (I don't know how to link back to threads, sorry!) There were a lot of good ideas from everyone, many to do with reedmaking.
I am an international student on a budget as well, so I bought a kit from Charles initially, which was good value (although I have upgraded my knives to Landwells due to how they feel in my hand) for all the basic bits. I don't shape my own cane, I reuse staples from the reeds I have bought in the past. I buy Omega Hilo crochet thread (size 2) from Hobby Lobby for $3 ($8 for a small spool of 'reed' thread?? No way!) I make my own reed cases.
If you are a short scrape player, I would recommend K.Ge cane or blanks (very good value for money compared to some of the US dealers). If long scrape, best you take advice from other board members!
Sorry, I didn't intend for this to be so long! I hope you find some of it useful.