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 Pictures of oboeist
Author: GMac 
Date:   2005-11-06 04:36

Hi everyone,

I'd really like to get some good pictures of oboeists playing concertos or in a section or anything like that if possible. I'd really love to get high-resolution ones so that I can use them as a desktop background. Does anyone know where I could find some of these? I have looked at the websites for a few major orchestras and the Chicago symphony was as close as I got (the pictures weren't all that high resolution).


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 Topics Author  Date
 Pictures of oboeist  
GMac 2005-11-06 04:36 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
ohsuzan 2005-11-06 12:51 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
GMac 2005-11-06 14:57 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
vboboe 2005-11-06 21:03 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
oboemelli 2005-11-06 13:37 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
ohsuzan 2005-11-06 15:58 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
GMac 2005-11-06 22:58 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
vboboe 2005-11-07 06:16 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
HautboisJJ 2005-11-07 10:03 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
GMac 2005-11-07 23:50 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
sylvangale 2005-11-07 00:38 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
sylvangale 2005-11-07 00:53 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
ohsuzan 2005-11-07 03:21 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
vboboe 2005-11-07 04:53 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
ohsuzan 2005-11-07 03:30 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
ohsuzan 2005-11-07 20:37 
 Re: Pictures of oboeist  new
vboboe 2005-11-07 22:09 

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