Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2012-02-04 21:08
Wow, Robin, I need to keep that on file!
If the reed is open but flexible to an extent, I find I can train it closed by soaking in warm water, then putting a flat plaque between the blades, I gently squeeze from the bottom of the scrape up to the tip several times. Do this before and after playing the reed, and eventually it seems to dry flatter.
Wire helps control the opening of the reed, generally used to hold the reed open, but with careful use of pliers, can be used to hold the reed closed (I find I used to have to manipulate K.Ge euro scrape reeds this way - they often arrived way too open!)
Interesting thread - we often rue about stopping reeds collapsing, but sometimes, you need to know how to do just the opposite.