Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2012-02-02 15:23
Chris, in answer to your question, in the past I have written simply '3 Marigaux', kind of like 1 sheep, 2 sheep. I'm sure it's not correct according to its native language, but it looks OK! I have seen Marigauxes written down, though.
Mark, this may change depending on who you talk to, but as an Australian of British descent (does that cover the bases? :P ) we often use 'spelt' when talking, but never once have I written 'spelt', I always write spelled. I have seen 'spelt' in old grammar and spelling books (my mum is an early childhood teacher, so had plenty of them lying around!) but I think it is waning.
The one that amuses me (sorry, totally not oboe related!) is words such as 'centre' - Australians (and British) pronounce it closer to the American spelling ('center', not much 'r'), whereas Americans tend to say it like we spell it ('centre', lots of 'r', not much vowel).
Language fascinates me, and it sometimes distresses me that I don't know more about its roots.