Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2011-12-22 22:44
Hello all,
I just made my first short scrape reed, and it plays pretty well!! Stable, tuning with itself is good, articulation responsive. So excited!
Its only drawback is that it is quite bright, and overall a little on the sharp side. I clipped to 72mm, but have since clipped again, so probably closer to 71.5. The scrape is 11mm, and I have tried to emulate a K.Ge style scrape (for those who are familiar). I think my tip was originally too long, and clipping improved the original lack of resistance I had.
Any tips (no pun intended)? Anything I could alter slightly for future reeds?
I realise it would help if you could see a backlit photo of the reed, but all I get is white light and not much else!