Author: Chris P
Date: 2011-07-04 18:28
Lifting, rolling or sliding LH1 are all standard practice - depending on what you're taught or what works best. If anything, sliding LH1 down is considered 'bad form' as that may not be as reliable as rolling LH1 down particularly due to perspiration.
Normally when the LH1 fingerplate is screwed down almost closed, the left index finger is lifted. On cors, d'amores and bass oboes where the split plate has an adjustment to control the closure of the pad, the lower plate is screwed down so it barely moves so the left index finger can be lifted off completely.
With the LH1 fingerplate opening fully, the left index finger is either rolled down or slid down to uncover the aperture. On cors, d'amores and bass oboes where the split plate fully opens, that means rolling onto the lower plate and allowing the upper plate to open.
On fully automatic instruments (oboes, d'amores and cors) where the LH1 fingerplate is linked to and lowered by LH3, you can lift off or roll/slide down depending on how much opening the LH1 plate has (which is adjustable and controlled by the closure of LH3).
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.