Author: GoodWinds ★2017
Date: 2009-11-05 07:59
I make reeds like that; very limited rails, scrape starts aprox 4-5 mm from thread, although sometimes if the reed is sharp (typical for a Gordet oboe) I will scrape lower. The 'windows' on reeds for my jarde oboe tend to be deeper and the reed length shorter.
Because I take what I can get thickness and density-wise in cane, though, my reeds vary quite a bit. Like I've said many a time before: I was taught to 'scrape the reed so that it plays'. Not very specific but it's worked for me, going on 30 years now.
I still think that you have to make reeds for your particular needs, which is why I admire people (like Cooper) who can make good reeds for other people. I sometimes give reeds to my students who are quite happy with them, but overall I'm just not consistent enough to make a 'standard' reed.