Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2008-12-02 10:34
vboboe wrote:
> experienced people tell us that definitely does something to
> wood over time, and if tonewood is particularly adaptive to
> sound frequencies, why couldn't it settle down to 'remembering'
> sound frequencies?
If that were true, we could buy instruments played by the masters and they would be spot on, not by the tuner (which is correct only in a particular situation), but one that is spot on when playing the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. of a chord. After all, they have a memory, and should be able to respond to the surrounding notes, too ...
Or I could buy an instrument played by the masters and be in tune with less work ... or buy that expensive Loree but since it was played by a not-so-good amateur it'll never be in tune ...
As to "settling down"- that I can believe, since the wood is going to go through some humidity/temperature cycles and the bore is going to change for some time.But settling down "in tune" ??? I wish ...