Author: Chris P
Date: 2008-09-17 19:39
Basic thumbplate systems built for the UK market (Regent, Howarth B/Orsi, Howarth S10, Bundy, Buffet, etc.) will have low Bb, but only have a C-D trill for LH finger 3 only, forked F vent, simple 8ve keys and no LH F key.
Basic conservatoire system oboes made for the US and worldwide market excluding the UK (Bundy, Buffet, Yamaha 200, etc.) mostly descend to low B, have the RH2 C-D trill and the LH2 C-C# trill, semi-auto 8ves and may not always have the forked F vent or LH F key.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.