The Clarinet BBoard
Author: 12341986
Date: 2018-08-25 12:18
Hi All,
I bought this clarinet in Austria
It plays very well, has a lovely sound but is very strange.
It doesn't have so many keys, and plays pretty in tune but as it if were a Db clarinet.
I googled lengths of different clarinets to try and ascertain if it is high pitch or not, but nothing came up.
Without the mouthpiece it's about 47 cm long, and with it's about 53
Here are some photos:
Thank you for your help!
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Author: donald
Date: 2018-08-25 12:53
Well, I have a beautiful French C clarinet (pre Albert key system, but with "patent C#") that unfortunately is almost exactly a semitone sharp and so plays in D flat. Maybe we could play duets.
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Author: donald
Date: 2018-08-26 02:42
My one is a very beautiful instrument that has been barely played (tone hole edges quite sharp) but actually plays well in tune- it appears that the bore hasn't suffered for the years of sitting around drying out.... As my wife and I both play period instruments I have no trouble with the fingerings. It is a real pity that it's at HP, or I'd definitely give it more time (can't check on the maker right now as not at home and can't remember details offhand)
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Author: awildman
Date: 2018-08-26 07:43
My Kruspe German C clarinet from the mid-late 1800s is 52cm long. No MP. Still needs restoration, but I'm guessing a =435?
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