The Clarinet BBoard
Author: donald
Date: 2018-02-12 04:24
Hi there, I recall the legend/myth that Mr Drucker has played the same Lelandais mouthpiece for his whole time in the NYP. Can anyone verify this? (or not). It just came up in discussion with a friend that neither of us knew if this was one of the "true stories" and if SD was STILL using that mouthpiece now he has retired....
True or false?
Thanks dn
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Author: Brad Behn
Date: 2018-02-12 18:26
Hi Donald,
Kia ora,
I spoke with Stanley last summer at the ICA conference in Orlando. Yes he confirmed that he played the same Lelandais for all those years.
Keep your eyes out for the next addition to Joffe's Woodwind Legacy interview series. I just spoke with Ed yesterday and he confirmed that the next addition is an interview with the 89 year old legend himself - Stanley Drucker. He continues to practice every day, and yes upon visiting a famous French reed manufacturer he said: "can I meet the person who places the two good reeds in the box".
Brad Behn
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Author: Philip Caron
Date: 2018-02-12 19:12
Since mouthpieces wear from play, and Drucker used the same mouthpiece for many years (the article doesn't actually say his whole career, but it was a long time), then should we assume that Drucker occasionally had the mouthpiece resurfaced or otherwise adjusted?
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Author: classicalguss
Date: 2018-02-12 19:39
I do know that he took his mouthpiece regularly to Everett Matson before his death. Same with Harold Wright. Matt was great and I lucky to call hime my friend.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2018-02-12 21:23
Matson said that Drucker's facing was medium close, 1.05 mm at the tip with a medium long resistance curve. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a little closer and a little longer than a Vandoren 5RV facing. Drucker mentions in the referenced interview that his facing is rather like that of French soloist Louis Cahuzac, and since Cahuzac was known to play on a 5RV facing (a Vandoren Diamond Perfecta for at least part of his long career) that's evidently a fairly accurate description.
Post Edited (2018-02-12 22:36)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2018-02-13 03:09
When I spoke to Stanley after a recital about 10 years ago about his mouthpiece he told me that he has 4 back-up copies which were specially made for him in Paris by Vandoren. They are close to the original, but not quite the same. He said he has tried practically every type/brand of mouthpiece available, past and present, many he said are no better "than doorstops".
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2018-02-13 04:26
Right, the facing specs may be nothing out of the ordinary but no doubt the rubber quality and the internal dimensions of his Alelandais are superb--at least for Drucker's personal requirements--and difficult to match. It would be great to have it scanned with the best measuring devices available so that others could try to duplicate it.
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Author: donald
Date: 2018-02-13 15:39
I had heard this legend quite a few times from different sources, but when it came up in conversation had to admit that I only knew of it 2nd or 3rd hand, so it is great to get "first hand" confirmation!
I actually have one of those Lelandais blanks (in pristine condition) and mean to get it refaced at some point in the future.
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