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 Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Fuzzy 
Date:   2017-08-24 21:26

Many times, a bboard member's username/screen name is different from the name listed under their profile.

I've always wondered what the proper etiquette is when referring to our co-bboard members. Is it more acceptable to use the screen name when responding to folks, or is it preferred to use a real name (if offered)? I've seen both "screen" and "real" names used in conversations, and I've used both. Is there a bboard-wide preference or unwritten rule?


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: GBK 
Date:   2017-08-24 21:34

[ We prefer that you use the screen name - GBK ]

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Fuzzy 
Date:   2017-08-24 22:14

Thanks, GBK! Will do!


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: kdk 
Date:   2017-08-24 22:25

I've always preferred using my real name (Karl). I originally invented the screen name because either I had to or thought I had to. As a general principle, I don't think Internet anonymity is a good thing because, as is often said in many contexts, it seems to encourage people to say things, for the most part offensive things, that they wouldn't say if their names were attached.

I would always prefer that people know who I am, at least by name, and that I know who they are.


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: kdk 
Date:   2017-08-24 22:31

But I don't think I've ever seen a preference by the BBoard admins one way or the other until GBK's post above.

I will follow GBK's preference after this, but it feels to me like those silly camp names the campers have to call the counselors at Girl Scout camp. At camp, it's a compromise between over familiarity (using counselors' first names) with people in authority and using formal Miss or Mr. Last_name for counselors who are often almost the campers' age.


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2017-08-24 23:22

Interesting topic...

I agree with Karl. Matter of fact, quite a few years ago, I asked Mark C if it was possible to change all of my posts from just "Dan" to my full name. I'm thankful for the work that he did to make this possible.

To me, what would really be neat is to be able to post a picture of oneself when the author's underlined screen name is clicked. For me, it's not for vanity's sake because at 70, I don't look as good as I used to. LOL! I just think it would, in a way, draw us closer together if we could see a photo of who we are talking to.

Just my opinion...

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Barry Vincent 
Date:   2017-08-25 00:53

I've always used my real name as the screen name. But I do use the name "Skyfacer" as a nick name as well and it appears at the bottom


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: seabreeze 
Date:   2017-08-25 00:53

On this one I have to come down firmly on the side of GBK. Use the stage name, not for deception but for freedom of expression. Artists make their best art when they are allowed to use a persona or fictional narrator precisely as a screen or mask to distract from their mundane, literal selves.

It is not Hawthorne who narrates The Scarlet Letter, but rather some created fictional narrator who might resemble in some particulars the author but is free to be creative by playing a semi-fictional role. The Internet has made us all too eager to believe what we see in photos at the same time as it has made photos themselves doubtful as evidence in court because photos can now so easily be photo-shopped. If we want to be literal, why stop with a photo--why not a whole body scan or x-ray index? Why not require an audio sample of the poster's clarinet playing as well? Or a complete gene scan. (Let's see, this poster is 2% Gaelic, 47% Flemish, 30% Dutch, 8% North Vietnamese or maybe Hmong, 13% unknown.) What is more real? When we strip naked or when we adorn ourselves with clothing of our own choice? Which of these is more creative and interesting?

Post Edited (2017-08-25 00:57)

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Caroline Smale 
Date:   2017-08-25 00:59

Surely if the poster adds his actual name in the post, just as kdk did as Karl in his first post above, then that would seem a logical endorsement to respond using the actual posted name.

I agree that posting under, or including, a real names does tend to indicate more willingness to take personal responsibility for the content posted. May be a generational thing.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: SonicManEXE 
Date:   2017-08-25 01:23

I made this account years ago in middle school, not realizing how dumb it actually is in this context. If I can change my username that would be awesome, but if not I would strongly prefer that people call me by my actual first name.

Ft. Lauderdale & Tampa, FL

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Philip Caron 
Date:   2017-08-25 01:54

Interesting perspective, seabreeze. Earlier the question had me wondering if anonymity had any valid place. It irks me when it's used by cowards as a shield. However, you may have a point.

Maybe the context matters: if someone is stating their actual opinions or things they regard as facts, then absent other knowledge of them I'd trust their motives more if they do so under their real name, and grant them more credibility thereby. But if someone is writing fiction, or poetry, or maybe weaving a spell - and readers can be assumed to understand so - then why not a nom de plume?

Anyway, on boards like this, if someone signs their real name, as Karl does, I tend to use it; otherwise I employ their username.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2017-08-25 01:58

"If we want to be literal, why stop with a photo--why not a whole body scan or x-ray index? Why not require an audio sample of the poster's clarinet playing as well? Or a complete gene scan. (Let's see, this poster is 2% Gaelic, 47% Flemish, 30% Dutch, 8% North Vietnamese or maybe Hmong, 13% unknown.) What is more real? When we strip naked or when we adorn ourselves with clothing of our own choice? Which of these is more creative and interesting?"

“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”... Oscar Wilde

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: seabreeze 
Date:   2017-08-25 02:09

Scarcasm is the lowest form of wit, and Oscar Wilde used it every chance he got.

However, there is a time and a place for stage names. If someone is trying to sell me a used clarinet, I will want to know their real name and will forego buying it from anyone going under a false moniker. Business is business, contracts, money exchange, trial periods, cash back, seller's responsibility, and all that.

But when, as is often the case here, a person gives both his or her transaction-ready legal name and a screen name, there should be neither conflict nor confusion. The screen name offers the element of speculation and play that always has a role in the expression of opinion. The legal name gets down to cases and binds you to fair monetary deals as it should. If I tell you as "seabreeze" that I think Pete Fountain was influenced by Sidney Bechet when playing the blues, I do not need to sign a contract verifying that or promise compensation if I can't.
If I tell you the Leblanc Esprit clarinet I'm selling you is unmarred by any cracks and you find some and demand a refund, we will both appropriately be using our legal names, and you will get your refund.

In New Orleans vernacular, the difference is between "talking trash" and "talking business." "Talking turkey" is something else again. All are considered normal discourse, each in its own place.

Post Edited (2017-08-25 02:30)

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: two toots 2017
Date:   2017-08-25 14:51

I would think it depends on content.

When I was considering changing instructors and asking for advice I was alarmed to have one answer use my name and location for fear said instructor would become aware that I was considering leaving.

So my opinion is use the screen name.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: clarnibass 
Date:   2017-08-26 08:07

It's better to use the username, unless the person wrote their name in their post, so it is clear what post you are replying to. Though it's not the end of the world either way and no etiquette issue anyway.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: ned 
Date:   2017-08-26 12:57

''...It's better to use the username, unless the person wrote their name in their post,...''

Of course we know that if one clicks on to ''Author'', then the real name appears, so I largely don't understand the original post.

Call me whatever you want folks, but just don't call me late for dinner!

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: clarnibass 
Date:   2017-08-27 11:26

>> Of course we know that if one clicks on to ''Author'', then the real name appears, so I largely don't understand the original post. <<

Exactly, you might have to click a bunch of people's usernames to see who the post is replying to. Less convenient.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: John Morton 
Date:   2017-08-29 02:04

How interesting to finally see this subject discussed, after 25 yrs. of bb's, newsgroups and email lists!

To supply some history, as I remember it: in early internet days most participants were connected with computer science in some way, either directly or as a tool in the practice of science. Discussion happened as you'd expect between respected peers in your field, and one didn't feel it necessary to conceal one's identity. Sort of an age of innocence, when we could just relate the way we always had, except quicker!

The next stage I remember was after the system was monetized and grew to dwarf the world of science and academia. Compuserve gave you a many-digit number, and other services offered the marvelous opportunity to decide on a "handle" such as used by truckers with CB radios. The handle (and the guessing game of figuring out who you were talking to) was part of the fun. Not for me.

As you can tell, I am nostalgic for the way it was, but there are certainly real reasons for anonymity: stalkers and identity thieves; conversational privacy to preserve secrecy ("for your ears only"); embarrassment at saying something dishonest or unethical etc.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: dorjepismo 2017
Date:   2017-08-29 08:56


Thanks very much for the perspective, which brings back many, well, profoundly ambivalent memories for at least some of us. The mention of Compuserve, for example, can give rise to incomprehension or serious fear and loathing, depending on whether one has had the experience of connecting to any kind of computer network over an analog telephone line. These days, where state actors are concerned, there is very little true anonymity, though, and where the "BB" is concerned, whether one is a Real Name or a "handle," dishonesty, ethical lack of rigor, and other failings are probably transparent to enough people so that sufficient checks and balances are present. The question of whether one is a respected peer is a little harder. Given that auditions would be a little cumbersome to arrange, what would the standard be, and how many of us would folks like to disappear so that only the worthy would post?

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Fuzzy 
Date:   2017-08-29 09:24


...don't forget the long-distance (pay-per-minute) dial-up "bulletin boards" we used even before the "Internet" presented itself to us via Compuserve, AOL, and such! I do think those old bulletin boards still used usernames...most of the ones I experienced supplied basic "Anonymous" usernames/passwords to allow us access to various technical downloads, etc.

Is it possible this bboard started way back then over dial-up? ;^)>>>


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Cappuccino 
Date:   2017-08-30 21:48

You can call me Cappuccino or Alex.

It does not matter to me.

Alexander May

"Looking at art, you're looking at the result of a philosophy." - John Emmett

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: John Morton 
Date:   2017-08-31 06:26

I think the internet was in place before there were any PC's (1980?) - I and everyone else (at UC Berkeley anyway) visited the Usenet from terminals connected to mainframe machines.

My firsthand memories of the internet date from the early '80s, when I had an academic computer account which led me to Usenet. That was essentially a bb with >100 discussion groups. I remember when a Unix system admin plotted a marvelous map of the entire internet on a huge piece of paper, circa 1985. It showed the sites, hubs and connecting paths - overwhelmingly universities, contracting labs and the computer divisions of some large tech companies.

Don't know if this is interesting. I guess it's off topic, I'm just trying to portray the online community as it was when this stuff was first being considered. For what it's worth, this board is one of the best, all things considered, thanks to y'all!

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Fuzzy 
Date:   2017-08-31 07:55

John...of course you're correct. I said, "Internet" when I meant www/"web"...and I still might be wrong on my timelines! ;^)>>>

I also agree with you about this board being one of the best! With all the hype about mobile-friendly, responsive-design, etc - I still find this bboard to work and function better than many of the "newer" solutions offered. Of course, the people who run the board, moderate the board, host the board, and post content to the board are what make this place special! (I'd love to see a copy of that paper map! Pretty cool!)


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: RLarm 
Date:   2017-08-31 08:51

Usernames are of no significance to me. What is of growing concern is the ever growing rudeness of posters that direct their bile at specific individuals. Now I fully realize why Antony Pay left for an extended period of time and the anger a friend who also happens to be British felt after being launched into with a haymaker. One specific poster seems to be targeting anything that I write. This person can easily change the wording of his comments in such a way that they don't come across as being so sarcastic. What has happened to the civility that used to predominate this CLARINET FORUM? This unmitigated "anger" makes it appear as if it is becoming a Facebook political forum or a mixed martial arts death match with no gloves. MARK, CAN THE CLARINET BULLETIN BOARD RETURN TO A FORUM WHERE DIFFERENT IDEAS GERMANE TO CLARINET BECOMES THE NORM AGAIN INSTEAD OF ONE WHERE CERTAIN PEOPLE SEEM TO HAVE AXES TO GRIND AGAINST ANYONE WHO DEVIATES ONE IOTA FROM THEIR MINDSET - I AM RIGHT AND EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO BE PUT IN THEIR PLACE BECAUSE I AM THE ALL KNOWING GOD OF CLARINET KNOWLEDGE!!! Fortunately these individuals are in the minority but they are growing, thus making what was once an always pleasant and educating experience into "I hope that I can get through these posts without reading one that leaves such a horrible taste in my mouth."

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: SarahC 
Date:   2017-08-31 08:54

I personally err on the side of anonymity... Because in reality anyone can read this forum. And therefore trace someone if they use their real names.. However a screen name not as easily.

Sarah is my real name. However I would never disclose my surname. Just to stay safe when things are as public as a board like this.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2017-08-31 11:01

SarahC, I know it's 1am in the morning here in Utah, but, I'm having difficulty in understanding your "safety issue".

All I had to do was click on your username and instantly your last name, email address and Facebook address were revealed.

When you stated "Because in reality anyone can read this forum. And therefore trace someone if they use their real names.. However a screen name not as easily".

Well, since anyone can click on your username and find out what I listed above, I just don't understand how you feel safer by just using your first name and the first letter of your last name as your username.

IMO, If you want to be truly anonymous, may I suggest the following after logging in:

1) Click on your username
2) Click on "Edit Profile"
3) Delete your real name
4) Delete your email address
5) Delete your Facebook address

Than, I believe you will truly be "anonymous"and untraceable.

I hope you find my suggestions useful.

Post Edited (2017-08-31 19:35)

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: ned 
Date:   2017-09-01 05:19

SarahC wrote: ''...Sarah is my real name. However I would never disclose my surname. Just to stay safe when things are as public as a board like this...''

But your full name IS filed away under the ''Author'' link at the top left of all posts. I have not taken Dan Shusta's advice just yet, by the way.

One has to expect trolls to visit this BB (as they do others) and one has to recognise this and cope with them...or better still...ignore them completely.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: cigleris 
Date:   2017-09-01 12:48

"One has to expect trolls to visit this BB (as they do others) and one has to recognise this and cope with them...or better still...ignore them completely."

Easier said than done when you receive tomes of vitriol and abuse to your private email.

Peter Cigleris

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Tony F 
Date:   2017-09-01 12:50

Liberal use of the delete key and/or the block function is a sure-fire cure, Peter.

Tony F.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: RLarm 
Date:   2017-09-01 16:51

In straight simple terms more people today are rude. As a result, you see more and more of these "trolls" appearing on the cbb. Tony the delete/block idea is a fix but it doesn't get to the route core of the problem. This type of behavior is systemic and permeates the entire business world and world period in the era of Trump.As an unfortunate example I have had to take an issue to the very highest level of management with an extremely well known company. It has to do with employees being rude and not hiding it from the customer(s). "I don't give a damn what you think of me but I'm tired of having to work with idiot customers like you." One would hope that readers of the cbb don't take it for granted and let the ring seekers take over. Look at what happened to Tower Records and Borders. The same fate will soon befall Barnes & Noble. Ben Armato told me the most important thing to do is share information. How many of you are aware of a famous clarinetist whose student is attempting to use a 3 D printer to make copies of Legere reeds? Do you know that Legere soprano sax reeds sound on clarinet? This is the cbb that Peter, myself and most of you want. If things do not change the (d)Orcs will take over and the free flow of information will cease. May that day never come.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Philip Caron 
Date:   2017-09-01 18:56

RLarm, I haven't seen "more and more" trolls on this bb. I've seen a few come and go. You referred earlier to one poster who seemed to be targeting you, but note that that individual has been quiet of late.

To me it seems the moderation of the board is working pretty well. - not that I think it's any kind of an easy job. The abuse of private email outside the board is unfortunate indeed, but it occurs in a different context with different controls.

I also don't quite follow the parallels you draw with the outside world, though I agree that it feels like the thought process of world at large is changing for the worse.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2017-09-01 19:20

cigleris wrote:
> Easier said than done when you receive tomes of vitriol and
> abuse to your private email.

Make sure you get an email client with filters so you never even see the emails. I can attest to the efficacy of a "send to trash" rule, and I'll wager Glenn can, too.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2017-09-01 19:29

I have to kind of disagree with you RLarm. The prevalence of assholes on this list is about equal to what I've experienced in 63 years of living. The difference is they can irritate a greater number of people with each utterance.

Why don't Glenn and I exclude them right away? Just because they irritate us doesn't mean they don't have something important to say. Until some (subjective, by Glenn and i) line is crossed we keep these peoplle on the "allowed to post " list.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: fskelley 
Date:   2017-09-01 19:37

Good job, Mark and Glenn.

Stan in Orlando

EWI 4000S with modifications

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: kdk 
Date:   2017-09-01 21:07

Philip Caron wrote:

> I also don't quite follow the parallels you draw with the
> outside world, though I agree that it feels like the thought
> process of world at large is changing for the worse.

I'm not sure the *thought* process is changing so much as the degree to which people are expressing their more destructive thoughts. It's the constraints that are disintegrating, not the "thoughts" that are no longer being kept under restraint.

Some people have just lost sight of any need to apply filters.


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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: RLarm 
Date:   2017-09-01 21:54

Karl that last sentence is so accurate. If I had a chance to rewrite my posts I should have said that. People, not just the President, speak with less and less consideration that what they say can be very hurtful to an individual or group. Perhaps it has a lot to do with the computerized world where one can hide behind a user name and the computer and nobody can see them. It emboldens them to make statements that they wouldn't dare make face to face. Yours is one of the most thoughtful "non clarinet" posts that I have read on the cbb and you said it with the minimum amount of words needed. Thank you Karl! Aloha.

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 Re: Usernames/Real Names, and bboard etiquette?
Author: shmuelyosef 
Date:   2017-09-03 10:16

My personal solution is that I use the same username on every single forum that I participate in...music, machine shop, computer geekiness, etc... it is also the name I use in my repair business.

The flip side of people just 'saying stuff' because they can, is that some of them are just as easily offended as they are to offend. There is also some risk of offended folks hunting you down. It is pretty easy to find where most pelple live if you catch where they are (geographically) and have a name (unless it's mary smith). The username isolates me from that risk (which has caused my wife some issues) without being nameless, as they might also see me on other clarinet, saxophone, machine shop, grateful dead, websites.

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