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 Stuck barrel
Author: tkillian 
Date:   2017-03-07 04:15

My Evette and Schaffer k series was repadded, cleaned, oiled, new cork, etc...problem is no matter how much grease it (even with Syntek grease) it gets stuck. The cork is totally perfect, doesn't need to be sanded down, etc.
Any thoughts ideas on this?

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 Re: Stuck barrel
Author: Caroline Smale 
Date:   2017-03-07 04:39

Sounds as though there may be interference between the tenon wood on either side of the cork and the socket.
As you put the barrel on is there a sudden increase in resistance as the barrel is approx 3 mm (1/8") from being fully on ?

If so get the tech to carefully skim a few thou of an inch from the offending area.

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 Re: Stuck barrel
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2017-03-07 23:53

Very little wood is removed from the high spots and that will be the difference between the barrel fitting well and binding, so have it done by the best repairer in your area as they'll know where and how much wood to remove instead of just bunging it in a lathe and removing too much.

The worst thing you can ever do in this situation is have your teacher or anyone else take sandpaper to the tenon as that often ends up in tears and you're left with a rocking barrel

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: Stuck barrel
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2017-03-08 08:02

Bring it to a clarinet savvy tech and show them.

It's not the cork. The socket of the barrel is just a LITTLE too tight to fit well over the tenon, so the wood of the socket is connecting with the wood of the tenon.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Stuck barrel
Author: Grabnerwg 
Date:   2017-03-10 10:08

For a technician who knows how to do this, and has a decent lathe, this is a five minute repair. If you don't know what you are doing, don't try to fix it yourself.

Walter Grabner
Buffet Bass and Bb/A clarinets

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 Re: Stuck barrel
Author: tkillian 
Date:   2017-03-10 17:46

Yup, I'm taking it to repairman he said he can fix it while I wait. Interesting he said "its not uncommon "...don't know if he meant in general or this particular clarinet.

Post Edited (2017-03-10 17:47)

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 Re: Stuck barrel
Author: kdk 
Date:   2017-03-10 19:19

tkillian wrote:

> Interesting he said "its not uncommon "...don't know if
> he meant in general or this particular clarinet.

In general.

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 Re: Stuck barrel
Author: tkillian 
Date:   2017-03-12 14:23

Barrel fixed. This guy is amazing. Adjusted a few keys as well.

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