The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Tony F
Date: 2015-08-20 21:13
Recently I acquired a Bb clarinet by G. Rudolph Eubel, which included a Vandoren V360 mouthpiece in unmarked condition. Can anybody tell me about this mouthpiece? I've not come across it before and it doesn't appear to be current production. The clarinet is interesting in that the mechanism on the lower joint uses a variation of the normal Boehm keywork, with a different arrangement of rods and levers to achieve the same result as the standard keywork. It appears to be a much more robust arrangement.
Tony F.
Post Edited (2015-08-20 21:14)
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Author: Caroline Smale
Date: 2015-08-20 22:30
The VD 360 was in production for some years in 1970s (from memory) but have no data on it's specs.
I've never actually met any player that used one so not wildly popular I guess.
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Author: donald
Date: 2015-08-21 13:49
HI there, any chance you could take a photograph of the key work for us? It sounds interesting.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2015-08-21 15:00
At the moment it's stripped for repadding, but I'll take some pics when it's back together. I've tried the V360 mouthpiece, it plays very similar to a 5RV.
Tony F.
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Author: spage
Date: 2015-08-22 13:33
I had one in the mid-70s. I mainly used it for chamber music and quite liked it. I don't know the spec though :-(
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Author: Tom H
Date: 2018-11-22 06:47
I used my V360 exclusively from about when I bought it (1974?) through 2000. Still have it. I wanted to get a spare in around 2000 and found it no longer in production. 5RV was recommended and is very similar. In fact, I have used the 5RV since then with the old V360 as my spare. In all those past 45 or so years I have always used VanDoren 2 1/2 reeds (except those years when they were labeled "2 1/2 - 3" -- for some reason).
The Most Advanced Clarinet Book-- Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001315, Musicnotes product no. MB0000649.
Boreal Ballad for unaccompanied clarinet-Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001314.
Musicnotes product no. MNO287475
Post Edited (2018-11-22 06:48)
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Author: kdk
Date: 2018-11-22 18:52
Back in the '70s I was recommending to my students either V360 or 2RV, later 5RV. I don't have one around now, but it played very similarly to a 2RV. I don't think I ever measured them, but I'm sure they were both in the same class of facing as the modern 5RV - near the top of the "close-tipped" range with a medium curve.
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Author: Arnoldstang
Date: 2018-11-23 23:26
I used this mouthpiece for years in shows. For me it was free blowing with a medium tip opening. If it lacked anything it might have been focus. As with all mouthpieces you find a suitable reed.
Freelance woodwind performer
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Author: Windy Dreamer
Date: 2018-12-02 07:19
With so many peope here praising Yamaha clarinets I decided to pick one up. A few hours ago I picked up a Yamaha YCL 24 that came with a Vandoren V360 mouthpiece. Normally I find Vandorens to be too dark but this V360 Yamaha YCL 24 combination is excellently aligned to my taste.I am definitely looking forward to trying it out on my other clarinets.
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Author: Jimis4klar
Date: 2022-08-07 17:47
Is there any sound demo of V360 or other vintage Vandoren mouthpieces we can listen?
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