The Clarinet BBoard
Author: tbrod
Date: 2010-06-23 14:26
I recently found a Yamaha Advantage Cl1 in my attic.
I'm not sure where it came from, and I had never heard of this type of Yamaha before. So i did a little research and came up with almost nothing besides it became discontinued and isn't sold in the U.S Anymore.
I was wondering if anyone had any information, like how much it is worth?
Its pretty much in mint condition.
Thank You!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2010-06-23 14:50
Is it plastic (it might have a matt 'wood grain' finish to it)? If so, it should be pretty much identical to the YCL-250.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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