The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Curinfinwe
Date: 2010-02-07 13:17
Yesterday I practiced for about four-five hours, a lot more than I usually do, and today the inside of my lower lip is raw and very sore from the prolonged practicing. This hasn't happened to me in years, and I intend on practicing that much every single day between now and my university auditions, so I'm a bit concerned. So, my question is,
1. Do I just have to tough it out until a callous or something forms, and play through the pain now?
2. Are there any kinds of creams that will relieve pain and promote healing that you can put inside your mouth?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I wasn't really sure what to search and nothing I tried came up with anything conclusive.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2010-02-07 13:32
I always use Anbesol after I finish practicing. You need to take a day or two off to allow it to heal and then use a lip protecter when you resume practicing if you're going to practice that much. As I said before, I use white floral tape folded over to make four layers but you can make it two, four, or six depending on your needs. You can also use something else if you prefer. You will still build up a callous but you can practice longer without the pain and problems it may cause. Also, take more breaks and try not to use so much pressure, which is easier said then done. ESP
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Author: kdk
Date: 2010-02-07 14:25
Chances are that the lip injury happened because your embouchure and breathing muscles had fatigued, causing you to end up using more embouchure pressure than you normally would for a shorter session. I'll second what Ed suggests - if you're going to play that long at a stretch - even with breaks - you should use something to protect your bottom lip - floral tape, EZO pads cut into sections, etc. (there was a recent thread specifically about this - check the archives). For now, let it heal for a day or two (mouth tissue heals quickly). Also, be aware of the condition of your reed as you play longer in a single day. I find that reeds tend to become slightly harder (or at least less responsive) over extended periods, so after a couple of hours I'd probably switch reeds (you may already be doing this).
One other caution - be very careful about fatigue, not only in your embouchure and breathing musculature, but in your hands as well. Rest often and stop if you feel discomfort. Without wanting to be hyper-dramatic, I know of more than one clarinetist who, in practicing extra hours for auditions, developed crippling repetitive-stress injuries that defeated the whole process and forced them to stop playing entirely for a time, in one case permanently.
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Author: Curinfinwe
Date: 2010-02-07 14:32
That makes sense, that my emboucure fatigued causing me to bite- I'll make sure I don't do that again.
And I am very careful about repetitive strain injuries- my practicing was spread out over an entire day, from early afternoon to after dinner. My mom had surgery for carpal tunnel and I have no wish to suffer that fate.
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Author: clarinetcase
Date: 2010-02-07 16:24
Please, heed the advice above! However a possible way to aid in healing and live with the soreness is to use a solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water. Swish it in your mouth around the injured area and spit it out. When the solution is used up, rinse with regular water to clear your mouth. Do NOT swallow the solution! (This solution also works well with cold sores, etc.)
This advice was given to me by a medical professional.
I bear no responsibility for the solution and its use given above.
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Author: tonyl
Date: 2010-02-07 17:05
I also use floral tape as Ed does folded over four layers.
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2010-02-07 21:23
I've found that a salt-water solution is even more effective for fast healing. A swish or gargle three or four times a day is very good for a cut lip and for pulled teeth. A soak in salt water is great for finger cuts or cuts on the feet, too.
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Author: Paul Miller
Date: 2010-02-07 21:31
If you're going to do marathon practice sessions like this, then you really should to take long breaks regularly - like 30 minutes every 1.5 hours.
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Author: alanporter
Date: 2010-02-07 22:40
Try Orabase ointment. It is made for use inside the mouth, dentists often recommend it where broken teeth abrade the mouth lining. I have often prescribed it mixed with a fluorinated steroid for canker sores.
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Author: JJAlbrecht
Date: 2010-02-07 23:24
Another thing I don't recall seeing mentioned is that you should work your way up to that much practicing. Suddenly subjecting your lip to that kind of abuse will cause damage, as you have already discovered. I'm surporixsed your teacher didn't warn you about this before this began.
Were I you, I would be working my practice time up in 30 minute increments for a few days, then taking it to the next step, once you become comfortable with the extra playing time. You won't be doing yourself any favors if, come audition time, you are in really bad shape from overuse of the embouchure and cuts on the inside of your lip.
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Author: Curinfinwe
Date: 2010-02-08 00:59
I sense I'm being admonished for not working up to it and for the lengths of practice sessions. The reason I was surprised was because I do often play that long in a day- between band class, small ensemble rehearsals, concert band rehearsals, lessons, and then about 45 minutes to an hour of practicing by myself. Every second weekend or so I have orchestra rehearsal, which is Friday night, all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday.
The week before last was exam week and last week everyone was getting settled in new classes, so I maybe haven't been playing as much as I should have been for a little while. I have practiced in such marathon sesssions before (so it's not like this is the first time I've had a day of good, solid practice), and I've been a little sore because I don't currently use any lip protector (I've always had trouble getting anything to stay put), but I'm going to look into the floral tape as people have suggested. I did maybe two two hour sessions, and I took breaks within those. So I do know how to practice (and yes it was productive practice, not just mindless quantity of time), it's just for some reason I must have been putting more pressure on my lip than usual- which I think is because, as kdk suggested, my embouchure was tiring, probably because I haven't been playing quite as much as I usually do the last two or three weeks. It just wasn't quite weak enough for me to notice during practice.
So I guess what I really want to know is how to make sure this lip pain isn't going to happen every time I practice (which I don't think it will) and, if there's days where I do play more than usual, what I can do to relieve the pain. Ed, I tried Anbesol this morning and my lip feels fine now.
Sorry if that all sounded a little angry and cynical! Thanks for the responses everyone; I think I've got it figured out now.
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