The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ken Rasmussen
Date: 2000-12-01 05:57
Or, less colorfully, Kooiman report update--several weeks later. I haven't a trace of pain in my chronic tennis elbow, which has hampered my clarinet playing for the last 15 years. No fatigue in the right thumb which has been severely injured repeatedly. My hand has adapted to the change in position and I can find the keys quickly and easily. This seems to be a pretty good thing to have! Don't bother if everything is fine, but if you're not contented with the status quo, or if you are in pain, I'd recommend it. I did spend a total of about 3 hours adjusting it--not all at once, spread over the course of a week and a half.
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Author: Anji
Date: 2000-12-01 14:42
Yes, but did you douse the works in Dommelsch Winterbock Bier?
This is the only proven way to seal the deal. (Okay, so the TK only needs a few drops for appeasement.)
Congrats on the positive results.
This thing has really made playing pain-free for me.
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