The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Katrina
Date: 2009-10-28 19:25
Hi everyone,
I know about the lists of current clarinet sections in symphonies globally, but would like to find historical documentation. Is there such a list online?
Alternately, if anyone knows who was principal in the Youngstown Symphony before Debbie Alexander, please let me know! (I took lessons from him for a year and have completely forgotten his name 25 years later!)
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Author: kdk
Date: 2009-10-28 22:09
I think it's a shame that orchestras with web site space available don't post listings similar to this one (which isn't a Philadelphia Orchestra creation, either). I can't imagine it would be such a big job for an orchestra's HR manager or (if it has one) archivist. Do orchestras keep archival copies of their printed programs?
With so many historical recordings being re-issued on CD or even listening to my aging collection of LPs, it's fun to be able to go back and find out who was playing in the solo chairs when the recording was made.
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Author: Chris Hill
Date: 2009-10-29 00:12
I should know this, since Mr. Gigliotti was my teacher, but I don't, so I'll ask you all: I noticed that there is an overlap of two years with Ralph McLane and Anthony Gigliotti. Did Mr. Gigliotti start as assistant or Co-principal?
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2009-10-29 00:52
Thanks for the Chicago and Philly links.
It was not Carl Marks. He had already opened his shop in western PA and did not play in the orchestra at the time I'm talking about. The school year would have been 1983-84, and since I met Carl in late '84 when I started studying with Debbie at Marks' music, I know it wasn't him. I do know that the father of the guy I studied with ran a repair shop in downtown Youngstown at the time, called "George's Band Repair." His name was George, of course. I just wish there was a better (and more easily accessible online) history of who played where, when!
EDIT: BTW the current YSO website does not list their musicians...grr...
Post Edited (2009-10-29 00:56)
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Author: kdk
Date: 2009-10-29 01:58
Gigliotti was hired as McLane's assistant when McLane became ill with the cancer that eventually killed him. Sometimes McLane was just too sick in his last season to play. If I remember the story correctly, I think Gigliotti continued as "acting" principal after McLane's death for at least a season before being named principal.
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Author: DixieSax
Date: 2009-10-29 02:10
Another player from that timeframe up in Northwest PA was David Sublette at Edinboro. I took lessons from him during my high school summers, but I'm not sure if he got around and played symphony work anywhere.
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Author: richard1952
Date: 2009-10-29 04:58
Marks Music was located in Farrell, PA in the 1940's-50's. I took clarinet and sax lessons there from Sam Campagna Sr. The store at that time was owned by Carl Marks Jr. and he did play with the Youngstown Symphony during the 50's I believe.
The store was moved to Hermitage, PA during the 1980's if memory serves me correctly.
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2009-10-29 13:40
Hi Richard,
I took from Debbie Alexander at Marks Music from 84-86. I just can't remember the guy's name who was principal (possibly for only a couple of years) until she became principal in 84.
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Author: donald
Date: 2009-11-03 07:44
A brilliant photo of Per Billman (Royal Stockholm principal), my mother would kill me if I used a photo like that for publicity!
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