The Clarinet BBoard
Author: GBK
Date: 2009-03-05 02:50
Has anyone taken Rico up on the "Make The Switch" promo offer which they are currently running?
The offer, in a nutshell, is to send them 10 reeds (new or used) of a competitor, and they will send you 10 Rico brand reeds of your choice.
Thus, it seems like a relatively straight forward deal. However it is not as simple (and free) as one would suspect.
Initially, after filling out and submitting an online form, a few days later you are emailed a confirmation.
You are then expected to print the confirmation form and mail the form and the 10 reeds to Rico, to receive a unique code for the free reeds.
After about 2 weeks you then receive an email with the promo code for the "free" reeds. You are then supposed to order the reeds from their website.
When you go to the Rico website, again you must fill out another form and then finally enter your "promo" code for the reeds.
Lo and behold... they then want a credit card # because the "free" reeds come with a $8.90 shipping charge.
I was initially interested in getting the promo reeds for my students, but now will decline, because (unless I missed the small print) nowhere is the $8.90 shipping charge disclosed.
BTW -I tried to contact customer service, but this offer is being handled by a company called "Shopatron" and their rep was clueless about the promo offer. He deferred me back to D'Addario, who was also no help in resolving the "free" issue.
After time and postage now invested, I've now decided to pass on this "free offer."
It's a shame because some of my younger students could have used the extra reeds.
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Author: KV
Date: 2009-03-05 03:21
Hummm-I would have been a sucker for the "free" stuff. Thanks for the info.
What brand of reed do you like best? I think that I have always used Rico Reeds because they seem to flood the market and I am not good enough to be picky.
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2009-03-05 03:24
Had meant to send a handful of wall test failures in for that offer, but $8.90 (plus shipping the old reeds to them!) is ridiculous. Thanks for the heads up!
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Author: Keith P
Date: 2009-03-05 03:48
Well, it should still come out cheaper than buying new reeds... that whole TINSTAFL concept...
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Author: GBK
Date: 2009-03-05 12:50
The $8.90 postage fee is not the issue, but rather how the "free" offer is quite less than that.
Certainly the $8.90 shipping fee is not going to break me, and is still less than buying 10 (2 boxes) of Rico Reserve reeds.
However by asking for a credit card # to cover shipping, they are essentially cutting out their younger student market (those without credit cards).
I would think that young, emerging clarinet players would be precisely the market which Rico would try and capture.
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Author: weberfan
Date: 2009-03-05 13:03
An enlightening story. Thanks!
As soon as I got my postcard, I rushed to the nearest laptop---a friend's machine and one not hooked up to a printer---and filled in the application form.
Then I got to the page that said, "print this out" and mail it in. Well, I couldn't print it out.
So I went to my own computer later in the day, repeated the steps and was told by the Rico, or Shopatron, computer: You've already applied, pal. Only one to a customer.
I was sulking about missing the great opportunity.
Now, it appears, it was more trouble that it was worth....shipping costs aside.
Anyone want 10 old Vandorens?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2009-03-05 13:18
> Anyone want 10 old Vandorens?
I wouldn't even take 10 new ones... ![[tongue]](
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Author: weberfan
Date: 2009-03-05 13:20
I've got those, too.
By the way, John Moses recommended Rigotti reeds in another post.
The ones I bought were packaged for Roberto's Winds in Manhattan.
The first five turned out to be terrific.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2009-03-05 13:44
At least it is still cheaper than a new box with shipping. When I first heard of the offer, I wondered how they would manage with shipping, handling costs, etc. They could likely be able to eat the cost of the reeds one way or another. Shipping these days is not cheap no matter how you slice it. I don't think they are being dishonest. The offer said free reeds, not free shipping.
I suppose you could offer to drive to Rico and get them. ;-)
Post Edited (2009-03-05 15:53)
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Author: rsholmes
Date: 2009-03-05 13:58
Somehow "free offer" sounds a lot better than "still cheaper than a new box with shipping offer" though.
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Author: Mary Jo
Date: 2009-03-05 15:30
If the offer seems to be too good to be true, it probably is. This motto applies to free reeds and life in general. I'm still waiting to get a decoder ring in the mail, circa the '60s. Back in those days, all you had to do was send in boxtops and the postage was 14 cents.
Mary Jo
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Author: Bob Phillips
Date: 2009-03-05 15:35
thanks, GBK,
When next the postcard from Rico and their "PR" firm rises to the top of my desk pile, I'll chuck it.
I imagined that my "free" reeds would probably be the wrong strength anyway.
Bob Phillips
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Author: Keith P
Date: 2009-03-05 19:47
I think that the targeted audience is older people and teachers who would recommend their students to switch.
Besides, you could always borrow mom and pop's card - sure they wouldn't mind paying $8.90 for 10 reeds besides $20+
Good to know though. Thanks for the letting us know I think I will still take them up on the offer.
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Author: Robert Polan - Rico Product Manager
Date: 2009-03-05 21:01
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It was not our intention to charge shipping and handling and this was an obvious oversight on our part. We created this offer to encourage players to try Rico for free, and we’re going to make good on this offer.
We’re in the process of eliminating all shipping and handling charges for the promotion going forward. This means that you can obtain a free box of any Rico reed with no shipping charges.
For those who have already participated and paid the shipping, we haven’t forgotten about you. We’ll be in touch to offer you a credit for a free box of Rico and yes, we’ll cover all costs to ship that box.
Thanks for everyone’s patience and understanding.
Robert Polan
Rico Product Manager
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2009-03-05 21:21
Robert Polan - Rico Product Manager wrote:
> Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It was not our
> intention to charge shipping and handling and this was an
> obvious oversight on our part.
How's THAT for service? 
(and no, I have no connection with Rico or D'Addario other than using their guitar strings for the last 40 years or so ...)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2009-03-05 21:42
Along with Robert Polan's note (above) to say that Rico has decided to waive all shipping and handling charges going forward, just today I received a phone call from another rep at Rico apologizing for the apparent oversight on their part and letting me know that they are now in the process of correcting the web site to eliminate the shipping fees on the offer.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2009-03-05 22:12
It is always nice to see a company that would step up and go that extra distance to make customers and potential customers happy.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2009-03-05 22:58
Is there a reed on the market for which one would swap it for a Rico?
................IS THERE?.................
..............Paul Aviles
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2009-03-05 23:11
You mean a reed of the Rico brand, or a reed brand owned by Rico?
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Author: KV
Date: 2009-03-06 02:05
I have 4 clarinets, 7 reeds- all Rico but one; a "Michelle Lune."
We are not talking about fishing lures here.
As far as I can tell the difference is in the numbers not the brand.
Any other opinions about reeds?
I still break them by being stupid.
By the way I am impressed by Robert Polans offer to make good his promise of "free" reeds from Rico Reeds.
That will make me remember that brand.
Clarinet people are good people!
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Author: Neal Raskin
Date: 2009-03-06 03:58
I decided to give this deal a try. I may as well send in 10 dead Vandorens to at least get some new ones. And since the shipping charges will be negated. The deal is now even better. Even if I don't like the reeds, I can always give them to some of my students to try.
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2009-03-06 05:01
Paul: You can have my Regal Queen 1 1/2s when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.
Now that shipping's free, think I'll round some reeds up and give it a try.
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Author: Don Gross
Date: 2009-03-06 13:12
For those of you who have "Made The Switch," can you switch 10 Bb soprano or 10 Bb bass clarinet reeds for 10 contrabass/contra alto reeds or does it have to be an apples for apples switch? I'm pretty sure I know the answer for contra reeds because Vandoren contrabass reeds are too wide for my Woodwind Co. contrabass mpc and so all I have are "used" Ricos. So much for us bottom feeders...sigh. But I do have a drawer full of bass clarinet reeds that I might just switch.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2009-03-06 13:28
Don -
Vandoren contrabass reeds fit only older Leblanc contrabass mouthpieces, which were wider than those made today. For current mouthpieces, I've found that Vandoren bass sax reeds are the right size. Presumably Rico bass sax reeds would also work.
Ken Shaw
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Author: LarryBocaner ★2017
Date: 2009-03-06 14:15
"Is there a reed on the market for which one would swap it for a Rico?"
Well, yes! I've had good luck with the Grand Concert Selects for clarinet and bass clarinet! Haven't tried the Rico Royals yet, but I've heard good things about them, too. Gladly swap for them with some of my old, dead Vandorens.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2009-03-06 14:28
"Is there a reed on the market for which one would swap it for a Rico?"
If I might add, I have had very good success with the Grand Concert thick blank reeds on clarinet. I have found good responsive reeds, a nice full sound with good ring and clarity, great consistency and life span. I have tried many other reeds over the years beyond Vandoren, but these are one of the only reeds that I have been happy to play on over and over. I currently play Vandoren V12s as well and will use whatever works. More often I am finding that the Grand Concerts are the ones in my case that I pull out to play.
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2009-03-06 15:04
I have had success with Grand Concert Evolution and the Reserve. They have been more reliable and consistent than vandoren's for me.
However, when I still like a good vandoren (blue box) better than any other reed. UNfortunately, they are more and more difficult to find....
Sylvain Bouix <>
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Author: Old Geezer
Date: 2009-03-07 15:52
It wouldn't surprise me if $8.90 "shipping charge" will cover it and give them a bit of a profit as well. Your personal info is also salable around the internet and will also net them more.
Not just that it's sleazy but their presumption that we're all dummies is rather annoying.
Still I do like the Reserves... but from now on I'll feel like holding my nose when I use them!
Clarinet Redux
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2009-03-07 15:56
Old Geezer wrote:
> It wouldn't surprise me if $8.90 "shipping charge" will cover
> it and give them a bit of a profit as well.
I'll wager five bucks the fulfillment company was putting the S&H into their pockets and was being paid by Rico to boot for the fullfilment.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2009-03-09 14:39
To Paul Aviles, The Rico brand used to be associated with student and Sax reeds but these days they make many types of professional quality reeds. The four professional cuts are now used by a great many professionals, both in major orchestra's as well as soloists. I use the Grand Concert bass clarinet reeds as well as the Grand Concert Thick Blank and Reserve Bb reeds. I began making my own this year but rarely make one as good as the Rico. Just so you know, I am a Rico performing artist, but only because I like them and use them, they don't compensate me for saying that. Check out their web sight, you'll be surprised at how many pro's use them. ESP
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2009-03-09 18:58
Dear Rico Enthusiasts,
I haven't used a Rico branded reed in 28 years. This is probably due to the fact that I have not had any major problems with Vandoren in all these years.
I had a Morre phase and tried a few others along the way, but honestly see no reason to try everything that comes down the pike since I have a solution that works for me.
If Rico truly makes a product that equals or even (dare I say) surpasses the Vandoren, more power to them. I'm just too tired and old to go through all that "seeking a better mousetrap" nonsense, unless of course Vandoren were to stop making reeds.
Dare I suggest that if Vandoren offered a "free reed swap" with ten dollars for shipping, NO ONE would complain.
...........Paul Aviles
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2009-03-09 20:27
I'd like to see Rico offer a "Chops Swap" --- they charge me ten bucks for shipping and send me Ricardo Morales' technique and sound, I send them my flabby tone and lame facility.
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Author: rsholmes
Date: 2009-03-09 20:40
Dare I suggest that if Vandoren offered a "free reed swap" with ten dollars for shipping, NO ONE would complain.
Musicians not complaining? That I'd like to see!
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Author: Robert Polan - Rico Product Manager
Date: 2009-03-10 22:12
Hello again,
It's been a few days since my last and I wanted to update everyone on the latest.
We're currently creating a work-around to allow registrants to request their free box of reeds with no shipping costs. This is requiring us to make a change in how we handle the data and it will take a few more days to process. We stand by our offer and this will be resolved and those who were charged will be credited.
We appreciate everyone’s patience while we resolve this. I will post an update when everything is in place.
Robert Polan
Rico Product Manager
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Author: allencole
Date: 2009-03-12 17:01
Let me put in a good word for Rico Reserves as well. They don't last as long as Vandoren or Zonda, but they are very consistent in strength and will 'start up' very quickly. I always keep a box of 4's for emeregencies.
I would happily trade in my Vandorens on reserves if I still had them--I traded them in years ago on Zondas and never looked back. But now I mix Zonda 4 (N) and Rico Reserve 4's and that combination gives me a lot of flexibility.
I'm not nuts about the basic Rico reed, but they got me started just fine when my parents would've choked at the price of Vandorens. I sometimes wonder if Vandorens would be more consistent if there wasn't such a huge demand for them by younger students.
Allen Cole
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2009-03-12 17:35
I have not been able to get any Zonda or Gonzalez reed to work ever. Vandoren and Rico Reserve work best..I prefer the rue lepic reeds and grey box.
David Dow
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Author: Robert Polan - Rico Product Manager
Date: 2009-03-12 19:24
Hello again,
Wanted to post another update. As of today we’ve set up a new website to process orders that does not require any payment for shipping and handling. We’re catching up on the tremendous response to the promotion so if you sent in your reeds and haven’t yet received your e-mail from us directing you to the site to order your reeds please be patient, you will soon.
For any concerns or questions, you can e-mail us at
Thanks for everyone’s cooperation.
Robert Polan
Rico Product Manager
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Author: GBK
Date: 2009-03-12 20:23
Mr Polan -
For those of us who received our promo code a few weeks ago, what is the URL of the new website, and will our promo code now work on it?
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2009-03-24 01:17
I just received 2 boxes of Rico Reserve for the efty price of 10 of my worst reeds.
Thank you Rico
Sylvain Bouix <>
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Author: richard1952
Date: 2009-03-24 20:54
I also received my ten Rico Reserve reeds today. Couldn't believe the size of the box they came in, 8"x8"x6". I have been playing Reserve's for over six months and find that they play very well.
Thank you Rico.
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Author: Neal Raskin
Date: 2009-05-20 00:36
I sent in my conformation form along with my 10 reeds around the 1st of April...I still haven't heard anything or gotten any email this normal? I am positive that the reeds got there before the deadline... I hope that my $3 in postage didn't go to waste...
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Author: Dileep Gangolli
Date: 2009-05-20 01:01
Are we allowed to send in bad Rico reeds as part of this promotion?
By the way....I tried the Vandoren wine last night. As bad as the the VD reeds themselves.
As clarinetists and performers, we deserve better.
Is there any other product on any market of any kind where the worse the product is, the more of the said product one has to purchase?
I can't think of any myself but may be I'm missing something.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2009-05-20 01:03
Neal Raskin wrote:
> I sent in my conformation form along with my 10 reeds around
> the 1st of April...I still haven't heard anything or gotten any
> email this normal? I am positive that the reeds
> got there before the deadline... I hope that my $3 in postage
> didn't go to waste...
You are not alone.
Despite a few reassuring emails from those in charge (Robert Polan) of the offer, my reeds never arrived either.
I also made an inquiry about the charge for postage in a "free" offer. Even after an email promising to fix the apparent oversight on the web site, the charge for postage still appeared on every attempt I made to use my "free code"
I subsequently gave up trying.
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Author: Pappy
Date: 2009-05-20 01:22
GBK wrote:
> Neal Raskin wrote:
> > I sent in my conformation form along with my 10 reeds around
> > the 1st of April...I still haven't heard anything or gotten
> any
> > email this normal? I am positive that the
> reeds
> > got there before the deadline... I hope that my $3 in postage
> > didn't go to waste...
> You are not alone.
> Despite a few reassuring emails from those in charge (Robert
> Polan) of the offer, my reeds never arrived either.
> I also made an inquiry about the charge for postage in a "free"
> offer. Even after an email promising to fix the apparent
> oversight on the web site, the charge for postage still
> appeared on every attempt I made to use my "free code"
> I subsequently gave up trying.
> ...GBK
Yep. Me too. Sent it even earlier than that I think. Still haven't heard anything. Not very impressed.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2009-05-20 01:49
I sent in the reeds. I was one of the people who sent it in before the offer was made to drop the shipping fee. I subsequently received 2 boxes of reeds. I did contact them because of an error I found in the product code which caused me to initially receive the wrong strength. They were extremely helpful. I am very pleased with the product and customer service.
Post Edited (2009-05-21 00:35)
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Author: mrn
Date: 2009-05-20 02:01
Pappy wrote:
<<Yep. Me too. Sent it even earlier than that I think. Still haven't heard anything. Not very impressed.>>
"Mother of mercy....Is this the end of Rico?" 
Post Edited (2009-05-20 02:34)
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Author: reedwizard
Date: 2009-05-20 16:23
I sent in my form rather late but before the offer ended. I did not hear anything so I sent an e-mail using their web page. Jim Boyle responded. He told me they had a large number of submissions and that was holding up processing, I received my reeds a couple weeks ago. He was very nice, his e-mail address is
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Author: GBK
Date: 2009-05-22 22:50
An update:
After writing an email to Jim Boyle at D'Addario/Rico Reeds customer service, he promised to look into the matter and find out why my "free reeds" were never shipped.
He quickly found my original request and promised to send the reeds out that same day.
Today, I received a package which contained my 2 free boxes of Rico Reserve reeds. I can now give these reeds to some of my less affluent students so they may try them.
My faith in customer service has been restored.
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Author: LarryBocaner ★2017
Date: 2009-05-29 19:43
Subsequent to GBK's "restoration of faith" I emailed Jim Boyle about my three-months-old submission. I received an answer from him that they had no record of my submission. Later received another email that he had found my entry, complicated by a misspelling somewhere down the line, and that he would manually satisfy my order if I would email him the kind and strenth reeds I wanted to try. I specified Grand concert Select bass clarinet reeds #3-1/2. I was pleased to find this noon a UPS package with a box of 5 bass clarinet reeds included.
Question is this: I sent them ten bass clarinet and tenor sax reeds and fully expected to receive the same kind and number in exchange. Did others who specified bass clarinet or sax reeds also receive only half the number proferred? I'm not known as a terrible cheapskate, but an offer is an offer!
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Author: Rob Vitale
Date: 2009-05-30 04:01
WEIRD!!!??? I took up Rico's promotion and I didn't have to pay a red cent. To my knowledge the promotion was over in the middle of April. Perhaps they have since changed the deal.
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