The Clarinet BBoard
Author: bob gardner
Date: 2000-10-09 14:56
i don't believe that I have ever heard whick key the bass is played in. I know that there is an A, Bb, C, and Eb. What is a bass? Also is the fingering the same as the Bb?
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Author: SusieQ
Date: 2000-10-09 15:01
Hi Bob,
The bass clarinet is in the key of Bb, and is fingered the same as a Bb soprano. The range of the bc is an octave lower than a Bb soprano clarinet. I don't know of any other bass clarinets in different keys, but maybe someone else on the board does. Hope this helps.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-10-09 16:07
Well said, S Q, I have heard that there might be 2? bass cl's in the key of A in the US [world?] [likely oldies Alberts?], Im sure some one had a longer stick of good wood!! Brymer in "Clarinet" has a lot of good info, as does Rendall, I believe they say the proper term is TENOR clarinet, reserving BASS for the contra alto and bass as we know them. Most music I have seen is written in the treble clef, it sounds an octave below! Some orchestral pieces , I have heard, are written in bass clef, would require thought on my part to play! Love the horn, Don
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2000-10-09 16:11
Don Berger wrote:
> I
> believe they say the proper term is TENOR clarinet, reserving
> BASS for the contra alto and bass as we know them.
Might be proper, but no one would know what the heck we're talking about!
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2000-10-09 17:42
There are several bass clarinets in A in the world. Wagner wrote most if not all of his bass clarinet parts for it, which is why all professional model Bb instruments go down to low Eb.
There was extensive discussion of the BC in A on the Klarinet board several years ago, including the saga of a player (perhaps Dan Leeson) who eventually got a new one from one of the big makers.
I think the Beyreuth Opera House owns one for use there. (It would of course have German fingering.)
Good luck tracking one down.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Steve Hartman
Date: 2000-10-09 18:29
Selmer makes a very nice Bass Clarinet in A, down to written low E-flat. I know someone who has a straight Bass Clarinet in the key of C!
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