The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bob Phillips
Date: 2006-11-25 06:23
When I was a kid, I had a job with a survey crew, and we traveled away from home for the work week. I'd take my horn and walk over to a local college after supper to borrow a practice space and work on my lesson assignments and repertoire. I never had any objections, and I had some wonderful interactions with faculty and students.
This summer, I hit the road with my wife, dog and horn for an extended trip. Naively, I thought that I'd do as I did in those early dark ages.
Every campus I visited has strict rules against outsiders using their facilities. Music students are charged for thier use of the practice rooms. Some schools even have sign-up sheets on the practice room doors --so that they can be reserved for half-hour (!) sessions. One school has key card locks on the practice room doors, one had cipher locks.
I can see schools wanting to keep garage bands that have been evicted from their parents' homes out of their facilities; but I sure miss the old days.
Bob Phillips
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Author: Max S-D
Date: 2006-11-25 07:57
I visited a few music schools the summer before and during my senior year of high school, and I had no trouble finding a place to practice at each of these places. Of course, I might look more like a college student than you (nothing personal...), so I didn't stand out at all.
Also, at my school (UC Santa Cruz), we have the sign-ups on the door with half-hour increments, but nobody ever signs a practice room out for just half an hour (unless they're warming up before orchestra). These are just so that you can reserve a room to ensure that it will be free. I sometimes do this with the one room that I am convinced sounds better. You don't REALLY need to sign out a room unless you want to practice during "peak" hours (after the theory classes get out, the hours before ensembles, etc.). If you're like me and practice at weird hours (ie. late night on weekdays, Sunday morning), then there is never any trouble finding a room for a good 3 or 4 hours.
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Author: Aaron
Date: 2006-11-25 17:50
At DePaul, things get so busy during certain times of the day that students are extremely hard-pressed to find a room. It wouldn't be fair for a student who is paying thousand of dollars a year for the facilities to not be able to practice room because someone from outside the university is using it for free.
Students are given practice cards that we put on display while in the rooms for this reason.
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Author: D
Date: 2006-11-25 18:17
my uni you wouldn't even have got in the music faculty without a key, let alone anywhere near a practice room. we lived in colleges, and my college had two practice rooms as well. these were free, but you had to have a key which you applied for and paid a deposit on. the rooms were under the dorms though so you could only practice when everyone was up (complaints otherwise) and they were in use pretty much all the time. I wasn't a music student and there was certainly an expectation that non music students would make way for music students. one way the university alleviated the problem was to make it almost impossible for music students to actually study performance. Only a tiny percentage each year were allowed into the 'capped' modules. Everyone else just had to write about it, they weren't allowed to play. ...........................which is pretty much why I studied something else!
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Author: Cuisleannach
Date: 2006-11-26 02:04
One reason for the tightened requirements is security. I have heard stories (I'm not sure how many of them are actually urban legends) about freaks trolling the practice floors of music schools looking for victims. If they use key controls, at least the only fraks will be music students.....
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Author: vin
Date: 2006-11-26 13:36
If you really really want to practice, you can always find a way in.
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Author: D
Date: 2006-11-26 13:41
yes, it is called 'renting a house somewhere else and practicing there!'
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Author: Neil
Date: 2006-11-26 18:27
Don't forget subway platforms and street corners.
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2006-11-26 18:55
Neil wrote:
> Don't forget subway platforms and street corners.
Don't play copyrighted tunes there, or they'll get you.
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Author: donald
Date: 2006-11-26 19:17
when i studied at CCM i "ran down" (i come from Rugbyland and this came in useful) and apprehended a thief who had been trawling the practice rooms for several weeks. Passports/wallets/bags had gone missing, and i can/could understand women feeling that they'd rather have access to practise wings etc made more secure! (one in 5 women in USA will be sexually assulted during their lifetime)
keep playing the good tunes
Post Edited (2006-11-26 19:18)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2006-11-26 19:28
donald wrote:
> Passports/wallets/bags had gone missing, and i can/could
> understand women feeling that they'd rather have access to
> practise wings etc made more secure! (one in 5 women in USA
> will be sexually assulted during their lifetime)
Not only in the USA:,7340,L-3321833,00.html ...GBK
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