The Clarinet BBoard
Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-04-09 11:00
I'm doing some research on the Patricola Eb Clarinets (rosewood in particular) and have seen many articles in our archives.
I am wondering how folks who own one how they are holding up to time? I know they are a very good value, but if $$ wasn't a concern, would players who own it still stick with it (and if you have more than 1 Eb of various brands, is the patricola still the favored instrument?).
Have you experienced prejudice against them from professional full time players?
Post Edited (2005-04-11 16:19)
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Author: kenabbott
Date: 2005-04-09 12:05
So far so good with mine after four years. (But then again, I don't play it very often.)
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Author: mnorswor
Date: 2005-04-09 14:32
Hi David,
I have one of these instruments and am ery pleased with it. Since you're a Morrie-ite, he's quite fond of them too. I've had mine for about 4 years now and it does the job and does it very well. I've subbed with the Pops up here, played with numerous orchestras and ensembles in Boston and NY with it and noone has ever said anything about my playing on it. It's a great instrument and it sounds great. They hold up well!
I have a grenadilla instrument, not a rosewood. The rosewood had too light a sound for me and wouldn't project well enough in a big hall like Symphony Hall up here in Boston. Any other questions, feel free to email me privately.
Hope you're well,
P.S. I'm in Philly soon, perhaps we could grab a coffee soon!
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Author: Bradley Wong
Date: 2005-04-09 14:46
I bought a rosewood Patricola e-flat about four years ago, and it is still in good shape, although I don't play it a lot. The craftsmanship is not the same level as my Rossis, but I have been happy with my choice. I liked the lighter quality of the rosewood, but I use it mainly for chamber music and only occasionally for orchestral playing. If I played more orchestral E-flat, I might have considered a grenadilla model. I did have our school get a grenadilla Patricola, and five of my students have gotten Patricolas (one rosewood), after comparing them with our Buffet and Selmer.
Incidentally, I wanted to get a Patricola rosewood C clarinet (for Schubert Octet), but found that I liked the sound and response of their grenadilla model better, so I purchased that model.
Brad Wong
Western Michigan University
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-04-09 15:23
Cool Michael, hi Brad!
Sounds like it's a very good instrument. I could project with the rosewood no problem so that's probably what I'll get. Morrie liking them is important to me as after seeing the brannan info I was wondering how the techs liked them.
Cause they are the ones who matter as much as the players!
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2005-04-09 16:23
My grenadilla eefer is in perfect condition after three or four years of moderate use. The instrument will easily outlive me.
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2005-04-09 20:39
I have a rosewood effer that I am very happy with. I have had it for about 8 months and it has held up well except a small surface crack that isn't a problem yet. I particularly like the altissimo on this horn--it has more stability in this region than any of the buffets that I have played (this coming from a card-carrying buffet mafia member!). The intonation is manageable, altough I need to get a longer barrel for it. The throat B flat resonance key does not work at all for me; it makes it way too sharp.
I have played this many times in a professional setting. Most recently a recording with the Nashville Symphony that is due out soon. In about a month I will be doing another recording with them and will play this horn for that also. I also made the semi finals in Minnesota playing it.
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2005-04-09 23:16
Dave--the Bb booster vent on my eefer makes the throat Bb sharp also. So I closed it off with a wedge of cork. Now it's much better in tune.
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2005-04-10 00:56
I removed the key and put a piece of cork in the hole...
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-04-10 01:24
DAVE - please tell Lee I said "hi"!!!!!!! Also tell her that I have her "Plus" CD and enjoy it a lot!
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2005-04-11 14:34
David -
The posting on Klarinet you linked to was part of a long series of flames and defenses of the Brannens. Without saying anything for or against them, they are on record as preferring to work on newer Buffets and refusing to work on many other makes, at least in part because they hve plenty of work now and are familiar with Buffet.
Ken Shaw
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