The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Pappy
Date: 2004-12-15 14:41
Mine is decidedly brass, unfortunately, but I can't get enough of Stan Kenton's Christmas album. I look forward to Thanksgiving each year to start listening to it.
Stoltzman's "Hark!" is a nice clarinet Christmas album, but it's' not in the same league.
What are your favs?
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-12-15 14:54
"Apostrophe" by Frank Zappa. By Thanksgiving I'm so SICK of Christmas music that I try to listen to music which is as non-Christmas-related as possible. I really wish Christmas would just go away. But I know it won't, because the U.S. economy needs the retail sales, and because the Religious Right is running the country.
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Author: rc_clarinetlady
Date: 2004-12-15 15:36
I love Michael W. Smith's first Christmas album "Christmastime". I listen to it all year long my car myself, of course.
David, you need to read or go see Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". There is too much commercialism but Christmas or any religious holiday is the spirit of it that you keep in your heart and mind all year through. Music just makes it so much better. ![[wink]](
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2004-12-15 15:54
Kinda partial to my Nutcracker recordings and "When My Heart Finds Christmas" by Harry Connick Jr. Christmas is the one time of the year when it's okay to dig cheesy music.
I also like the mix CD my buddy Nestor gave me that has all kinds of Christmas guilty pleasures -- "Sleigh Ride" by Debbie Gibson chief among them.
/likes good music the rest of the year -- honest!
Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.
- Pope John Paul II
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Author: larryb
Date: 2004-12-15 16:46
Charlie Parker's recording of "White Christmas" - live from Birdland (I think) - of course it features a lot of syncopation and off-beats, so it may not be "morally correct"
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-12-15 16:50
I just watched an old fim version of "A Christmas Carol" the other day while sitting in the doctor's office lobby awaiting treatment for my annual bronchitis attack, which seems to have arrived early this year (and the main cause of my current grumpiness, bah humbug!). I don't need any lecturing about the spirit of Christmas, and as I personally have no religious beliefs, the holiday season boils down for me to just a few things:
1) Commercialism and excessive spending on gifts (bad).
2) Spending time with family (good, but I do that year-round anyway).
3) Christmas music which starts right after Halloween and continues non-stop until early January (inherently not a bad thing, but WAY overplayed and yes, familiarity breeds contempt and too much of a good thing is NOT good).
4) Christmas gigs (used to be a good thing, but are pretty much a thing of the past, what with CDs, DJs, the loss of society's tolerance of excessive alcohol consumption, and the other factors affecting the long steady decline of live, paid music).
Call me Scrooge if you will, but let's take off the rose-colored glasses and save the smarmy goody-goody sermons for Hallmark greeting cards, shall we? Enjoy your holiday however you like, but please turn off the 24/7 Christmas music torture for my sake.
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Author: SGTClarinet_7
Date: 2004-12-15 17:01
I agree with Ralph on Debbie Gibson's Sleigh Ride, but I have TOTALLY fallen in love with Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Anything they put out goes in my stereo!
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Author: claclaws
Date: 2004-12-15 20:27
I'm now reading 'Skipping Christmas' and think maybe some of you folks could write a similar but more music related story.
Lucy Lee Jang
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Author: diz
Date: 2004-12-15 21:18
Choir of King's College, Cambridge singing Medieval christmas chants and carols is my only disc of this type I'm afraid.
Without music, the world would be grey, very grey.
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2004-12-15 22:13
Gee Dave, and I was just addressing your Christmas Card which plays Kenny G's "I wish you a Merry Christmas" when opened.
Bob A
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-12-15 22:23
Bob A, you're all heart --- you remembered that Kenny G is the Donkey's favorite "jazz" artist (hey, they're both Asses, right?).
Even if you don't send the card, happiest of holidays to you anyway! Try to stay warm out there in the Midwest ---- don't leave your bass clarinet in the trunk of the jalopy, because even the mighty glass Pomarico will crack into a million pieces in that weather..........
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Author: Guido
Date: 2004-12-15 22:26
Frankly, I like B B King's Christmas album, "A Christmas Celebration of Hope."
I doubt there's a clarinet on its 13 songs...
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Author: clarinetist04
Date: 2004-12-16 01:08
Nat King Cole
Ole Blue Eyes (Sinatra)
Johnny Mathis
(sorry, I like them all equally, no discrimination here!) :-)
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Author: joeclarinet
Date: 2004-12-16 13:41
New Recording by "the pink panther" himself of favorite xmas tunes a la jazz style.
Plas Johnson (yeah, he really was the sax player for pink panther, odd couple and tons of other hollywood tracks including being the piccolo player on the song "rockin robin".

Fun CD to listen to!
btw, there are free previews on the page too
Post Edited (2004-12-16 13:41)
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Author: Todd W.
Date: 2004-12-16 17:31
I like a number of different Christmas albums of differing types and styles -- traditional carols, pop, classical, novelty -- but don't like most jazz renderings of seasonal music. However, there is one jazzy Christmas album I look forward to putting in the CD rotation each year: "Christmas with The George Shearing Quintet" (Telarc Jazz CD-83438). It works as seasonal background music and also bears attentive listening to appreciate Shearing's wonderful melodic lines. Alas, no clarinet, but some great vibes (my second favorite instrument). I think even Dave S. would like this album.
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Author: marcia
Date: 2004-12-16 19:11
Not a particular album, but one of my Christmas treats to myself is to listen to as much chamber choral music as I can. Here in Vancouver we are blessed with a number of excellent chamber choirs
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Author: glin
Date: 2004-12-16 19:38
Several I like:
A Charlie Brown Christmas: - Vince Guaraldi Trio
Hark! - Richard Stoltzman
Noel-Canadian Brass
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2004-12-16 22:04
One of the few I'm not sick of after working in cd retail for 10+ years is by a group called the Medieval Baebes. Their holiday title is called "Mistletoe and Wine," and the best part of it is that it does NOT sound like christmas music, but DOES sound celebratory!
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Author: Painterspoon
Date: 2004-12-17 00:00
Ray Charles' Christmas album
Nat King Cole
Charlie Brown...
...Charlie Daniels and Garry Morris just for fun...Katrina wrote:
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Author: BobD
Date: 2004-12-17 13:16
I find that anything by Captain Beefheart helps to clear the air.....
Bob Draznik
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Author: jjclarinet
Date: 2004-12-17 13:49
Super gorgeous sacred music. I have the Anthology of Sacred Music and another one printed in Russian (the artist sent them to me) which both are amazing.
I had a new student the other week who came with his mom and grandmother who only spoke Russian (the gmom). I handed her the disc which is only printed in russian and her eyes lit up - was fun to watch.
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Author: rc_clarinetlady
Date: 2004-12-17 15:45
Hi David and all Bboarders that have a hard time with Christmas music. I didn't call you Scrooge, David. A Christmas Carol is something I take my family to go see every year at the Rep here in KC. A nice production and one that helps us realize that Christmas should be carried all year through.
One can get grumpy with illness quite easily. You said you had bronchitis and I hope you are much better by now. I was grumpy for years. I have Lyme disease that went undiagnosed for 7 years due to an arrogant doctor. I'm in constant pain and I was so bitter. I was down right mean. I finally realized I made everyone around me miserable and decided to live life with a smile on my face and keep my misery to myself. If you call that looking through "rose colored" glasses then okay. Life is sure easier now though.
I'm playing my clarinet after a 20 year break and am loving every minute of it. I'm playing in a community orchestra and tonight I'm playing in my clarinet trio at an historic mansion and I'm excited about it. Maybe that's corny but I can't wait. Music is so soothing to my soul. It gives me great peace. If that's wrong..........I don't want to be right. Even if it's Christmas music that I've played 1000 times!
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Author: Garret
Date: 2004-12-18 00:30
David Foster's Christmas Album with various artists
My fav is Natalie Cole's "My Grown Up Christmas Wish"
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Author: Lisa
Date: 2004-12-18 02:27
Garret, I didn't know Natalie Cole had "Grownup Christmas Wish" since I only have heard Amy Grant's version, which I really like.
I'm another vote for Richard Stoltzman's "Hark!",the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack (I have the piano sheet music to the album!) and also the above-mentioned Trans-Siberian Orchestra--did you know they have a new one out this year? I haven't heard it yet, though.
My newest addition to the list is a 1992 Glenn Miller Orchestra cheapy little CD that I picked up the other day at Staples office supply store: "In the (Christmas) Mood." LOL Since it's in the style of Glenn Miller, it has that clarinet thing happening in many of the songs. There's apparently a sequel as well as a "Nutcracker Mood" but I only saw those online. It's my new favorite, but my all-time favorite from childhood is ANYTHING sung by the Harry Simeone Chorale. 
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Author: Pappy
Date: 2004-12-18 13:01
LOL! We had to do one of those "secret santa" schticks in my office this month. My "santa" left a Montovani Christmas CD on my desk this week. After all, I'm that wierd guy in the office that like classical music, Montovani has strings.....must be just the thing......![[rotate]](
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