The Clarinet BBoard
Author: chicagoclar
Date: 2004-08-12 00:34
I am a grad student clarinetist majoring in music ed. I am principle clarinetist in our University Orchestra and heavily involved in a woodwind quintet. Now that you know my background, here's my question:
What's the best way to go about getting an A Clarinet?
My Bb kind of fell into my lap and I didn't have to look for it. I've been using the school's A for the last 3 years, but I'd like to get my own. I'm taking out a loan for school and I'll have some extra money, so I figured I'd get an A. Any advice would be great. I know that I need to try out clarinets before buying them, but other than that, I don't know where to start.
Thanks in advance.
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Author: Drenkier_1
Date: 2004-08-12 02:00
Hey dude me to. Im in a youth orchestra and my director is really pushing me to get an A clarinet. WARNING!!! transposing will not do any good, the A Clarinet has a diffrent sound! SO DONT USE FINALE OR WHATEVER TO TRANSPOSE IT. But yes I would like to find an A Clarinet as well reasonable yet reliable.
Kevin Collins
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Author: psychotic lil clarinet girl (don't as
Date: 2004-08-12 03:28
Although it's not the best place to look, EBAY has some good deals... I got three Bb's off of it for less than the price of one, and they all sound good... Or as good as anyone my age playing the same brand instrument...
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2004-08-12 07:05
A bummer indeed, though I doubt many *good* A clarinets make their way to eBay (and for a more significant purchase like an A tends to be, the absence of trial periods is a killer).
I'm in the market for an A at the moment and will be going with my teacher to try a few R13s out on Monday to match my Bb. If I don't find a suitable one then, I'll keep looking, and perhaps try to get an appointment at the Buffet hub in L.A. and/or broaden my horizons to other brands (the Buffet mafia has a tight grip in these parts )
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2004-08-12 12:57
Or you may be searching for weeks, or days, or hours. One person's bad experience doesn't mean you'll have the same.
Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.
- Pope John Paul II
Post Edited (2004-08-12 15:39)
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Author: RAMman
Date: 2004-08-12 14:08
Why post that? GBK has already posted the link to your's been read and commented on to death.
Get over it!
Chicago, good luck with A is an important purchase, and not impossible despite what some insist on telling you.
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Author: msroboto
Date: 2004-08-12 16:18
Despite what everyone has said....
I found an R-13 A on EBay a year or so ago. It plays better than my Bb. This may say more about my Bb that the A. I did not search for years and got very lucky with the horn and the price.
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Author: jo.clarinet
Date: 2004-08-12 16:56
I've had a couple of A clarinets through ebay - a Selmer 10G which needed a bit of tweaking, and an E-13 which played well straight away. I'm pleased with both of them! 
Joanna Brown
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Author: Keith Ferguson
Date: 2004-08-12 18:15
Let me add my name to the list of those who found a good A clarinet on eBay. Although this won't help chicagoclar, a good number of A clarinets were offered on eBay last spring by college/university students who were graduating and who seemed to know they would no longer need an A clarinet. Most of these instruments had been selected with the assistance of a teacher or professor, and most had had some tweaking done, such as cork pads in the upper joint. I also found in most cases that I received candid and informative answers to my questions. So I took the plunge, started bidding, and acquired an A clarinet that my instructor described as "very nice".
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Author: LeOpus1190s
Date: 2004-08-12 18:51
Why post that? GBK has already posted the link to your's been read and commented on to death.
Get over it!
Why don't you mind your own business, or did you become a moderator of this board as well? I take my cues from GBK and Mark, not you.
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Author: RAMman
Date: 2004-08-12 22:37
Opus wrote:
Why don't you mind your own business, or did you become a moderator of this board as well? I take my cues from GBK and Mark, not you.
No, just a bored regular. If you want me to 'mind my own' stop bringing attention to it on a public discussion bored (no pun intended, honest). Anything on here is the business of those using it.
You clearly don't givee a hoot what GBK says either, I have found his comments hilarious, especially the one 'stupid things you have heard'. Bravo GBK.
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Author: chicagoclar
Date: 2004-08-13 03:07
thanks for all of the advice. I think I'm going to stay away from Ebay on this one. Luckilly I'm not in a huge hurry to buy and A. I am using the better of the two that our university owns for this year.
I know that the typical thing to do would be to ask a teacher (especially since I'm at a University with a good school of music) but we have a new teacher coming this year and I haven't met the person. He/She hasn't even been chosen yet! So, I'll probably go a dozen places and try a gazillion clarinets, but it's worth it if I find a good one.
Thanks again!
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Author: William
Date: 2004-08-13 15:13
As you are in the Chicagoland area, I would recommend visiting IMS in DesPlaines where you can usually find a good selection of A clarinets to audition. Only twenty minutes away--with good traffic--from Andy's on Hubbard in the downtown "Windy" (where my good friend, Chuck Hedges, plays every Wed for Jazz at Five).
BTW--what university do you attend and who is leaving?? Just curious......
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Author: chicagoclar
Date: 2004-08-14 07:09
I'm actually not in the chicago area (my name is supposed to be chica go clar not chicagoclar, but that's a long story) I'm actually in southern california. The University of Redlands to be exact and it's Dr. Phil Rehfeldt who has retired and left us.
He will be missed, but we are all excited (but also nervous) about getting a new teacher.
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2004-08-14 12:52
Until it is absolutely necessary, borrow.
In the Spring, when many give up the clarinet entirely, decent A clarinets will become available.
May I recommend contacting David Spiegelthal? He's a serious player in WVa, and has tweaked some relatively unknown makes into solid players.
This, for a great deal less than the gouge at retail.
FYI - I like the sound of the Yamaha SEv clarinet in A, right out of the box.
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Author: LeOpus1190s
Date: 2004-08-15 17:52
RAMman, maybe you playing level will suffice you to have a horn that's sent through the mail. My standards are a bit higher. I'm not sure who you are, but maybe you should a little bit more time in the practice room instead of trying to be mouthy with me.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-08-15 17:56
[ To all: Let's keep the thread on topic, without the personal asides, or it will be closed. Thanks - GBK ]
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Author: chicagoclar
Date: 2004-08-15 18:59
I did get some helpful info thanks! I also realize that this may be a long process. Luckily I have about a year to find an A so I'm not in a hurry. Thanks again!
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Author: RAMman
Date: 2004-08-15 21:42
I shall bite my tongue.
My last comment GBK I promise. It is possible to find an A clarinet.
Opus, you don't seem to have posted an e-mail address, but I would be more than happy to fill you in on who I am.
Again, Chicago...good luck!
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-08-18 14:18
One can find "A" clarinets on eBay. I just purchased the third one I've gotten in that fashion. It does take patience, a bit of detective work sometimes, and a willingness to accept "off-brands" (or whatever the Buffet Mafiosi would call any clarinet not of the Big 4 famiglia).
The first two I purchased thusly are now happily serving other players following my overhaul --- both played quite well and cost their buyers a fraction of the cost of a new one of ANY brand. I'm looking forward to a similarly good experience with #3.
As I've said before, sometimes it pays to 'think outside the box'.
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Author: marzi
Date: 2004-08-19 15:41
but its good to know that if you guys are bidding on these,
it is possible to get a working A clarinet, i just need one for our community
orchestra (trying to play la gazza ladra last semester by transposing was
just a bit too interesting but at least the little solo bits came out) and would
feel guilty about investing in an expensive one when i have kids hopefully going to college. our very patient (you have to be with a community orchestra!) conductor was absolutely surprised i didn't already have one, he was used to always having someone with an A clarinet but that gentleman passed away and didn't will his clarinet to us! Guess i'll have to keep bidding against you or maybe we'll get a college student this year that will have one.(we also serve as a community college orchestra now.)
i'm wondering how many are on auction that aren't known as being in A, i asked about one and when they realized it was in A and added that in the description the bids started coming in.
In fact, could someone tell me what the length of an A clarinet is for
future reference, ? thanks.
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