The Clarinet BBoard
Author: seabreeze
Date: 2019-01-16 01:53
Well, it was entirely predicable that Ricardo Morales, when he switched to Uebel, not long ago, would sooner or later collaborate with them to produce a new model clarinet. What was not predictable was just how fast it has happened. Evidently he introduced the Zenit clarinet at a trade show in Japan in December and a certain number of them have been produced and are ready to go. Some photos have appeared with Ricardo holding the mopani version. Anybody see these instruments in the US yet? Has anybody tried (or bought) one yet? I've seen a photo of Giora Feidman holding this model, I believe.
The Zenit is expected to make its first formal appearance in the US at the NAMM in California this month.
Post Edited (2021-08-27 05:35)
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Author: vintschevski
Date: 2019-01-16 07:25
I can't answer your questions in the affirmative, but just for anybody's interest there is a youtube video with this Uebel Zenit clarinet in the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra:
It's very short, and the clarinet sounds unpleasantly shrill, but it has been recorded very close up and the tone may sound better out in the audience area. Not much to be learnt from the video, but there it is.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2019-01-16 07:42
Thanks. We should point out that the clarinetist in this video is evidently Mr. Yos Vaneesom, not Ricardo Morales.
Post Edited (2019-01-16 07:43)
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-01-16 08:17
Interesting looking horn. Actually taking into consideration that the sound was recorded off someone's GoPro in the guys face, I think it came off pretty good.
...................Paul Aviles
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-01-16 11:09
Ok, bad video quality.......I think we all WANT to see the horn too.
From what I can tell (not very well) the horn Morales is using appears to have a ring on the bell and I don't see the vent hole. Of course, if Uebel says its the new Zenit then I guess it is.
Ricardo is great no matter what. Just wish they posted in HD.
................Paul Aviles
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Author: Kalashnikirby
Date: 2019-01-16 15:17
Attachment: Feidman.jpg (96k)
Attachment: Zenit.jpg (51k)
Re the original Post, yes, Feidman now apparently plays on a 24K gold mopane wood Zenit clarinet. See the attached photo.
I still don't get Uebels Information and distribution strategy! They continuously update their FB page (from where I've taken the photos), but there's still basically no Shop I know of in Germany with a complete collection of their Boehms clarinets (eg the Superior Eb can possibly only be found at Howarth of London , the Advantage is out of stock everywhere, their new "Excellence" is listed on their website, but again completely unavailable).
Anyways, the Zenit seems to be made in A, too
Best regards
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-01-16 16:49
Great follow up guys, thanks!
Don't get me started on the distribution aspect.
Bottom line though is that they are indeed much smaller than Buffet. The interesting thing about them is that as a German based (owned) company, they have put their upgrade efforts into the Boehm/US market. As far as I know they have not yet attempted to make an Oehler flagship model.
As for distribution, they started trying to get their product in local stores in the US but then opted out for an internet order only business model (about two years ago). I think that's where is stands now officially.
Whatever they are currently doing, I think they may find that keeping up with demand may be their biggest problem. And will that be reflected in future pricing????
..................Paul Aviles
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Author: Kalashnikirby
Date: 2019-01-16 17:29
My take on that is:
Since Boehm clarinets ought to be marketed outside Germany and since Stoelzel, the company behind Uebel, is a distributor for many brands, they may have great preconditions for outsourcing their clarinet manufacturing. It's evident that at least on their German system clarinets, only the final assembly is done in Germany. One might presume that their high-end Boehms cannot be produced in sufficient quantities, yet.
Anyways, their FB also suggests they tour around the globe to present their new Boehm clarinets; they really seem to invest into marketing (and why the heck is Morales suddenly advertising Uebel now???)
He's holding a Zenit in this pic.
This whole situation is getting a bit fishy. In addition to that, they've also released another model, the "Romanza". Maybe this is how clarinet making works nowadays, engage with as many artists as you (by any means...) and name 1-2 models after them, so people believe the clarinet has been reinvented. Again. Thanks, social media.
Better just wait for this all to blow over and see wether I'll find 2-3 different models in a music store, there is no use in sticking a great name on your instrument and making it look as flashy as possible.
At least Leiter&Kraus or other serious German makers haven't started "modern marketing" yet.
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2019-01-16 18:43
Anyone know what "Zenit" means? Rossi sells a "Cenit," which has no middle joint. Is this also one-piece? The pictures make it look almost more like well-oiled boxwood that any mopani instrument I've seen.
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2019-01-16 22:32
Thanks! Google says "Zenit" is "Zenith" in German, which makes sense, at least until they come out with another model that's even higher (priced).
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2019-01-16 22:39
Anyone going to NAMM should get a chance to try one. Moe & B says they will officially be out and on sale at that event. They will also have some at their showroom in Pottsville, PA by then.
Post Edited (2019-01-16 22:40)
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Author: Speculator Sam
Date: 2019-01-19 23:55
The only thing more thing more smoother and richer than Morales' playing is chocolate... but yeah wow that new model of clarinet seems like it's very elaborate and refreshing.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2019-01-20 00:24
Morales plays the second movement of the Malcolm Arnold Sonatina on what may be the grenadilla model of the Zenit (or is it the unmodified Uebel Superior?) at (Scroll down below "Events" to hear it).
Post Edited (2019-01-20 00:26)
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-01-20 02:26
I think I see gold posts in the video, but that "mountain" logo for the Zenith is pretty clear.
I know a few folks going to next weeks NAMM (the Uebel booth is right next to the Buffet that like having a Burger King across the street from a McDonalds?). Hopefully I will hear some sort of review on it next weekend.
...............Paul Aviles
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Author: echelonphoto
Date: 2019-04-12 00:37
I have the good fortune to be right around the corner from a new Eubel
distributor....and it is associated with Ricardo himself. My repairman...Larry Frank is now in the process of opening a showroom where instruments can be tried out. He is now the official go to adjuster for Vienna Music company, which will be supplying the instruments. He does Ricardo's instruments now and those of Ricardo's students.
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Author: echelonphoto
Date: 2019-04-12 00:42
BTW....Ricardo has been responsible for complete design changes to the new clarinets, which are the Zenith and the Romanza. The bad news....they run about 8 grand each.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-04-13 16:06
He played on his new model with his Philadelphia Orchestra last month, the Weber Second concerto, sounded fantastic. After the concert I went back and talked to him and played the clarinet, it's beautiful. The manager of Uebel was there as well to talk to him about any last minute "adjustments" he was going to suggest. He told me it was just about ready to be released and would not be "mass" produced.
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Author: Steven Ocone
Date: 2019-04-13 17:04
Prices are relative. Most symphony players (other woodwinds, strings) would be very happy to pay only 8 grand for their instrument. But then again, at that price I won't be rushing out to buy one either.
Steve Ocone
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-04-14 16:58
Somehow eight thousand dollars doesn't sound like much to me, a bass clarinet already costs more that that but that doesn't mean the average orchestra player already being happy with thier clarinets will be running out to buy a set. If I weren't retired and was looking to upgrade I'd certainly give them a go. Heck, the last clarinet I bought was a Bb Selmer in the later 90s for $3,000, some models and brands where selling for much more than that, and we're talking 20 years ago.
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Author: Kalashnikirby
Date: 2019-04-14 19:09
Here's a somewhat realistic Price list of ALL current Uebel clarinets. So a gold plated, mopane Zenit costs as much as a regular Lumiére.
I don't know, given a Yamaha CSG III HL with the extra keys is steal cheaper, this sounds pretty hefty. One should rather compare them with Yamaha's new SE Artist... or the Legende. Basically close to the maximum you're paying for a Boehm clarinet, only topped by small makers like S&S...
Makes Uebels Bass seem pretty cheap, haha!
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-04-15 00:41
Also under the heading of "keeping it real," the Uebel Advantage is one amazing horn.....if you haven't tried one yet, you should.
................Paul Aviles
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Author: Musikat
Date: 2019-04-15 03:53
I got to try one today! They are indeed gold posts, so the whole effect is a two-tone look. The silver rings connecting the joints have a decorative design as well. I was at a local Maryland clarinet symposium and Uebel had a booth there. I really liked the instrument, but this was my first time trying any Uebels. I liked a couple of the other (less expensive) models almost as well. The ones i liked had a more free blowing feel to them and a nice tone. I liked them better than the high end Buffets I tried, but of course there was only one model on a peg, so given a range of instruments in a room, I might have a total different experience. I was just looking for fun, so didn't try anything for long.
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2019-05-21 23:39
Larry is the guy to go to for getting them worked on. He know's what to to more than anyone out there as he works with Ricardo on design tweaks. His shop is also the place to get them from!
Great repairman!! Even for something fairly minor, I'm tempted to fly to Philly to get work done on all of my Instruments.
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Author: Larry Frank
Date: 2019-05-22 01:01
Uebel Official Showroom at Larry Frank Woodwind Audubon, NJ
We are working hard for the Aug. 1st grand opening of the official F.A Uebel showroom in Audubon, NJ15 miles from downtown Philly. In the meantime, come see our fully loaded temporary showroom upstairs, and experience over 30 clarinets, including Bass and Eb. Various models are available to try: Classic-L, Advantage-L, Romanza, and Zenit (Silver Plated / Gold posts / Mopane 24k Gold). All Vienna Music Co. clarinets have been adjusted and optimized by @Frank Woodwind, and further in-house customization is available.
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Author: Larry Frank
Date: 2019-05-22 01:17
Romanza is about 5 grand and he just stared Bela Kovacs Recording project with Romanza model sponsored by Vienna Music Co, a new distributor of Uebel Clarinet near Philadelphia.
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Author: fernie121
Date: 2019-05-22 06:13
A bd5D? I have a BD5D and the tuning is not great. I wonder if this can be tweaked as well?
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-06-12 20:09
Vienna Music Co?
Wasn't Moe-Bleichner the exclusive US distributer of Uebel Clarinets?
....................Paul Aviles
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Author: tucker ★2017
Date: 2019-06-12 20:37
I thought so too, Paul. Comparing the two websites, Vienna is substantially pricier than Moe-Bleichner.
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Author: EricBlack
Date: 2021-08-07 21:39
Resurrecting this thread because I was able to go visit the Uebel Showroom @Vienna Music Co last week. While I was there, I sat down with Eugene Mondie of the National Symphony Orchestra and he was kind enough to demo the Advantage, Romanza and Mopane Zenit as well as talk a little about them. Here is a link to the video for anyone curious!
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2021-08-07 22:14
Just for clarity, is this a visit to the Uebel USA shop in Pottsville, Penn, or the Vienna Music shop in New Jersey (which also sells Uebels)?
Mr. Mondie appears to be playing a Lee Livingood mouthpiece and a Bonade inverse ligature? Do you know which model Livingood he has there?
I am most impressed by the inexpensive Advantage model Uebel, and not at all surprised that a player would choose it as his regular orchestral instrument. At a selling price of about $2,700, the Advantage is in a class by itself--pretty good bang for relatively few bucks. Serious students in music schools and conservatories who can't afford the high-end stuff might at least try an Advantage to see what it can do.
Post Edited (2021-08-08 01:02)
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Author: EricBlack
Date: 2021-08-08 00:50
Sorry for the confusion Seabreeze! This was a visit to the Vienna Music Shop in New Jersey. While I was aware there were a couple of competing distributors, I don't think I realized there were two showrooms. Looking back through this thread, I now see the confusion! Vienna Music Co is run (I believe) by Gi Lee and the showroom is above Larry Frank's Woodwind Shop who works on the instruments. I do not know, or have had any contact, with the people working at the Uebel USA shop in Pottsville, Penn.
In regards to your second question. I can tell you that Mr. Mondie is playing on a *edit/correction* Livengood Prototype that with some kind of an Inverse Bonade. I think its some version of Gold Plating!
And yes, I agree, having had the opportunity to try it myself, the Advantage represents a truly great value for the cost!
Post Edited (2021-08-08 19:33)
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Author: gwie
Date: 2021-08-12 05:30
The Uebel Advantage A clarinet is a hit--they play incredibly well. Up until I stopped teaching clarinet students when the pandemic hit, it was my number one recommendation for new A's, especially since places would have occasionally them for sale at $2300!!
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