Author: GBK
Date: 2003-08-09 04:50
Earlier this year I began to supplement two of my more advanced student's lessons with selected sections from the Arban trumpet method. (For those that may not know - the Arban Method for trumpet is the rough equivalent of what the Klosé book is for clarinetists).
I have seen a marked growth in both student's playing, and I am starting to think it has something to do with the Arban studies. Tonguing speed has increased (neither student can double tongue - but their single tonguing is now definitely quicker), scale facility has greatly improved (as Arban has many scale patterns and drills to choose from), and sight reading is more secure (Arban has 150 short phrasing/sightreading melodies taken primarily from operas).
One nice feature of the Arban book is that all the exercises, melodies, duets, themes and variations, etc... all lie (for the most part) between C4 and C6, thus the student gets to build technical skills in the most used clarinet register.
Also, after 30+ years of teaching out of Klosé, Rose, Baermann, Kell, etc... it is rejuvenating to find another supplemental method which builds skills and covers ground in a slightly different way.
The only problem - the book weighs about 2 pounds...GBK
Author: ron b
Date: 2003-08-09 07:32
Hi, GBK -
I took up cornet in high school (way back in the fifties), as a self taught endeavor, and have been a strong believer in using Arban's for clarinet as well ever since. As you say, all the patterns one really needs are in Arban's in the most practical range. I like Baerman for extended note exercises, just because of the nice melodic nature of the exercises, but for daily keeping in shape practice I long ago found Arban's to be very practical indeed.
As a sidenote add on, something I've mentioned before, I believe I've learned as much, if not more, from players of other instruments as I have from clarinetists.
- r n b -
Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2003-08-09 10:40
I use the Rose' studies and etudes with saxophone a lot. While there has to be a bit of "adjustment" for notes too far below C4, the mid-level strengthening is excellent. Also, on alto, many of the keys normally found with clarinet are somewhat new and adventuresome so there is that benefit.
Author: GBK
Date: 2003-08-09 16:11
You probably know this, but I'll mention it anyway. The Voxman "Selected Studies for Saxophone" uses a number of the Rose studies and etudes, and puts them in a better range for the saxophone, so no adjustments are needed.
Voxman uses (from the Rose 32) #26, #4, #18, #29, #21, and most interestingly the real #11 (not the simplified #11 in the Rose 32).
There may even be others.
Use the Voxman - it's less work (adjusting of range) for both the student and teacher...GBK
Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2003-08-09 16:50
Yes, a better range for sax but the challenge of being in "unfamiliar" territory is always interesting. Several Rose' items you mentioned are also in certain oboe/sax books as well. Ferling's 48 Famous Studies is one.
I would usually let students figure out how to deal with the notes beyond the normal range (maybe a little harmonic re-arrangement or a similar chordal solution). The more adventuresome even would use some chromatics as well.
Author: allencole
Date: 2003-08-10 05:31
I think that the Arban drills are better conceived for real-life training than most in the Klose. Ditto for some of the Clarke technical studies. So many clarinet books present the player with exercises that are simply scale and arpeggio patterns. These two trumpet books subject players to melodic twists and turns that force players to USE their scales and arpeggios rather than simply recite them.
Allen Cole
Author: The White
Date: 2003-08-10 09:35
Anyone heard of Lyle Spud Murphy's books? My teacher has me on a few of them for air and melodic playing, as well as sight-reading, and they work really well. They're simple and tuneful to play. Putting them at the beginning and end of practise really helps!
Author: allencole
Date: 2003-08-10 21:55
One other brass publication that does well is Amden's Practice Duets. Very handy sightreading when you've already done the Rubank books to death.
The most extreme thing that I've seen out there is Buddy DeFranco's "Hand in Hand with Hanon." Has anybody taken a crack at this one?
Allen Cole
Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-08-16 03:46
These are both good ammunition in your arsenal.
I have the Spud Murphy books and found them to be helpful at reading chordal and modal passages - they have plenty of "gotcha's" thrown in. If like me you play the same tunes at weddings year in and year out, or have been playing the same broadway show for the last year, these books will be helpful keeping your mind out of the big rut.
The Clarke studies have also been helpful to me, perhaps but not necessarily more so because they were not designed for clarinet. Designed to develop ajility and technical consistency on an instrument with just three valves, they can be approached so as to present the same problems on a much more complicated mechanism.
There is also Jean-jean's "Clarinetist's Vade Mecum" - a great little book for someone (like myself) who has really little time to practice. This and a good scale book can really keep things cranking.
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