The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-09-25 12:10
Oh darn i missed it too bad mebbe next year...
Frankenmuth is too much carnival town for me. Once I drove back from the airport sitting next to someone who had been a teacher in Frankenmuth. Seemed to me to be a very personable lady. She said that after two years of not being able to make a friend, of nobody speaking to her at Church, she moved on. This is the way it is with carney towns - you are sized up as either a carney or a mark.
Honey, the moths ate my lederhosen...
Mark Pinner |
2003-09-24 12:33 |
Ralph Katz |
2003-09-24 17:16 |
Mark Charette |
2003-09-24 17:54 |
Steve Epstein |
2003-09-24 21:32 |
Re: Octoberfest Season new |
Ralph Katz |
2003-09-25 12:10 |
Mark Charette |
2003-09-25 12:16 |
Ralph Katz |
2003-09-25 15:07 |
Katrina |
2003-09-25 21:19 |
Ralph Katz |
2003-09-26 11:43 |
Mark Pinner |
2003-09-27 12:52 |
Ralph Katz |
2003-09-28 02:04 |
William |
2003-10-18 23:42 |
The Clarinet Pages