Author: Andrew Gardiner
Date: 2010-10-24 09:04
One book I find useful is Mazltov! by Joel Rubin, which has introductory pages inlcuding a little bit on technique. Also the tunes included are written with ornaments notated as a learning exercise.
"New Directions for Clarinet" has masses of avant garde techniques and if I remember right inlcudes a bit on throat articulation etc.
Krekhts and bend notes/laughing sounds etc are much easier to do with the clarinet and someone showing you. There is some stuff on You Tube, but I found the tone of the demonstrator quite unpleasant on the clip I listened to.
I think maybe also people do them slightly differently depending on the shape of their face, type of set up etc. I also think good players do not overuse these effects as much as you sometimes hear.
If you close your mouth and make the sounds of an air raid siren or mimic a dog whining plaintively (!), for me at least this creates the same throat effect used in note bending and laughing. Put the mouthpiece in your mouth and do the same, prob easiest playing C (two lines above staff) and descending to G (one space above staff) initially. Good luck!
Andrew Gardiner