The Fingering Forum
Author: Judy
Date: 2000-02-01 00:47
I tried to learn the clarinet when I was ten and eleven years old. I didn't do too well. I'm 26 now and would like to give it another try. So far my cheeks hurt and it is sqeaking. I need some pointers and the ISBN number of a good beginners book. If someone could help I'd appreciate it.
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Author: Eoin
Date: 2000-02-01 06:52
See my answer to Megan's question "Help with a Clarinet", further down this discussion group
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Author: keith
Date: 2000-02-11 04:30
Just take it easy and don't worry too much about playing in the high register at first. Remember to take a break every so often while you're practicing.
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Author: Erica
Date: 2000-05-27 22:21
If you want to improve your clarinet playing you need to take your time. Start off with the lower notes and work your way up. Try playing the B flat scale in whole notes. Work your way through the scales. Then go on to half notes, quarter notes, 8th notes, and eventually 16th notes.
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Author: Saxy Boy 2
Date: 2001-06-26 02:17
get the "standard of excellence" prt. 1since your a beginner and start from the beginning if all you get is squeks
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Author: sam
Date: 2005-10-12 13:13
im in 10th grade and i know how to play it great
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Author: subina shabir
Date: 2006-01-28 14:37
i am doing a prensentation on a clarinet
my dedline is due in less that 3 days and i cant find anything on how to play the clarinet please will you tell me it doesnt have to be in detail.
thanks from subina shabir
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