The Fingering Forum
Author: Chris
Date: 2003-01-16 11:42
I am looking to buy my son his first clarinet. He just signed up for Band, he’s in the fourth grade. The ‘deal’ that the local music store is offering is a rent-to-own deal where we end up paying $500 for a used clarinet. I signed him up just so he has something, but obviously I need a better deal. So my question... What specifics should I be looking for and what should I expect to spend? I don’t know a darn thing about clarinets. I'm sure I want a used one, just in case he bails. Thanks in advance.
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Author: TigerTenor
Date: 2003-01-16 14:00
Acutally, $500 for a clarinet is a very good deal, if the clarinet plays well. If he's just starting and won't be playing to long, then really as long as it doesn't leak he should be fine, however if he plans to continue you'll want to look for a horn that doesn't leak now and doesn't tend to develop leaks, has a decent tone, and responds to the keys quickly.
DO NOT BUY A BUNDY!!! Bundy student models are notoriously bad. Selmer is a very popular brand, and Yamaha, although they didn't start out making good horns, has brought their quality very far up during the past several years.
Good luck.
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Author: Gnomon
Date: 2003-01-16 17:28
The Big 4 manufacturers are Yamaha, Selmer, LeBlanc Vito and Buffet. A plastic student clarinet from any of these should be ok, including the Selmer Bundy. In the UK a new student model clarinet costs about £300 - £350 so $500 for a used one is ludicrous.
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Author: Theboy_2
Date: 2003-01-16 20:28
i must say something. Bundy's are great. i have one and it plays in tune at temperatures between -25 C to +35 C. keys aren't in an odd place and i've never had a problem.
anyways, make sure that your clarinet isn't an old one(an old one being more then 8-12 years old). older ones could have all kinds of problems.
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Author: Chris
Date: 2003-01-17 11:39
Thanks everyone. Bought him a new Vito 7212. $280 US.
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Author: Gnomon
Date: 2003-01-17 12:38
Great! I hope he has a wonderful time learning to play.
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Author: Bandturtle4ever
Date: 2003-02-09 15:59
I play a yamaha clarinet and it has done great for me in 6 years! I am just finally taking it in the shop for repadding for the FIRST time in 6 years, (which every instrument will need sometime);)
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Author: kasie ladner
Date: 2004-06-30 12:32
If anyone is interested in buying a used clarinet I am selling mine for 150.00. This clarinet is in excellent condition. It even has the case with it..... this is a great buy! e-mail me if you are interested.
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Author: Rachelle
Date: 2004-08-15 03:47
I have a clarinet that I am trying to sell. It's a wooden Yamaha clarinet model 450 (I do believe so). I'm only asking $350-$400 for it. I only played it for a year and a half. It's practically in mint included of course. If you need a mouthpiece I have a premiere I'll sell you for $20 with it. If you are interested e-mail me and let me know. If not...Good Luck!!
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