The Fingering Forum
Author: Anthony Salas
Date: 2002-12-11 05:48
I realy need to know how to play the high notes for alto sax to play a song for an assembly that is going to be at my school
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Author: Gnomon
Date: 2002-12-11 07:22
What do you mean by high notes? Do you mean the D, Eb, E and F in the 3rd octave (palm-key notes) or do you mean the ones higher than that (altissimo notes). You can get the fingerings for both in the charts here, but you may not be able to play the altissimo notes - these require weeks of practise.
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Author: Michael Stringer
Date: 2003-03-25 14:54
Hello how are u i just wanted you to send me a copy of all of the scales of the alto saxaphone and the appregios and i need a fingering chart to it too thanks
Michael Stringer
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Author: candice reynolds
Date: 2006-03-06 22:07
if you are a beginner and about to play an alto saxaphone in like to say 2-3 months from now do you have to be a beginner?
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Author: The~Tempest
Date: 2006-06-04 02:29
well first to get high notes for saxophone first get a perfect embouchure and doing that is 1. flat chin 2. tight mouth( for very high notes) and 3. the right fingerings. i'll even give you some high notes
1. high C: second finger, octive
2. high C#: octive
3. high D: L1, octive
4. high Eb: L1, L2, octive
5. high E: L1, L2, R1, octive
6. high F: L1, L2, L3, ovtive
7. high F something: L!, L@, L#, R1, ovtive ( which is the highest normal note of the alto saxophone
Theres no fun in the saxophone without altissima
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Author: GBK
Date: 2006-06-04 21:09
The~Tempest wrote:
> 6. high F: L1, L2, L3, ovtive
> 7. high F something: L!, L@, L#, R1, ovtive
> ( which is the highest normal note of the alto saxophone
It's probably not a good idea to offer advice if you yourself don't know the correct fingerings...GBK
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Author: saxnumber1
Date: 2008-01-01 00:06
Well I think you are talking about altissimo notes. They are super high notes that are for saxophones. Mostly used in jazz. The next altissimo note after F is G and onward. I can play a D altissimo. That is my highest note. Altissimo notes go past the palm key notes. There are many fingering charts on the internet. Look them up.
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